It's Time | Teen Ink

It's Time

January 8, 2013
By OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"As God as my witness, I will turn this around…" There he goes again; he's on another one of his rants. "…I will make your life--"

"A living Hell if you don't cut the s***. We've all heard the riot act." The car grew quiet and after a few minutes he pulled off the road and came to a stop before a fallen tree on a dirt path. Headlights were off in the distance, and seemed to be getting closer.

"So much better." He whispered as he laid his head back on the seat.

"So much better than what?" I snapped at him with a smirk.

"Than mine ever was." He replied as he glanced over at me. I didn't quite understand the reference, but I didn't over think it too much before I broke the looming silence. "You getting tired? I can drive for a bit." I said quietly. He shook his head and stared out the window. An awkward silence fell over us again like a blanket. I peered out the windshield and the headlights that seemed so far before were much closer.

"Did you like him?" I asked. "I know it wasn't the ideal time or place, but I'm glad you got to finally meet him."

"You deserve better." He said bluntly, without interest. He seemed too transfixed by what was out the window. I slowly looked around him, and off in the distance the moon shone like a spotlight on a beautiful hummingbird dancing around a majestic, lonely yew tree. Several long seconds passed before he turned to me, looked me in the eyes, and chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"Don't ever be sorry, for anything." I stated. "Don't even waste your breath with apologies." The headlights were blindingly close, and the car became shrouded with light. And just like the light came, it was gone. I looked towards the sky and the moon shone through a cloud, making a bright outline.

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