Shadows Lurking | Teen Ink

Shadows Lurking

December 29, 2012
By im-a-mystery BRONZE, Follansbee, West Virginia
im-a-mystery BRONZE, Follansbee, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but, anyone can start today and make a new ending." -Maria Robinson

Its hard to believe that within ever 365 days a year, and only to be coming of age to know that I myself Alisha Ann Anderson, have not made a single change within this world. Iv been told to believe that no mater how hard I try I can not leave, I must always be in the shadows lurking between every dark crack in the ground just standing there, watching, learning, and waiting for the day I can emerge and walk beside the world with no fear. I wonder within others, deep, deep down inside, I am the part of everyone that not even they knew they had. Yes it may be a little hard to follow me as I tell my side to this horrifying place we live in now. As you see I must continue to tell my part before the change happens, I must not be late!

The author's comments:
this is only the first paragraph to my story I am working on but I wanted to get it out for others to read.

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