Football | Teen Ink


September 27, 2007
By Anonymous

Running, catching, throwing, tackling, jumping, are all parts of football. Football is a great fun sport because you get to tackle people without getting in trouble. 3 seconds until kickoff then the game starts. The ball gets kicked, its caught now you’re running very hastily. You get thrown to the ground by Blake T. Your heads spinning and get up.

Its union against Park City Miners. PC Miners are pumped for the game because the games at home. Carter kicks off. Union catches the ball and run into the on coming Miners. Blake Throne makes the first tackle. He gets up and gets back to the line. Its Unions ball still but their next play helped the Miners. They throw the ball and Wade C makes the first interception and runs to make the first touch down. TOUCHDOWN MINERS.

Another kickoff is about to begin. Union catches the ball and gets checked by Chad Wing. Another interception by the miners. Chad runs down into the enzone and is open for the pass. Its good he catches the ball. To make a long story short Blake T, Chad W, and Wade C made touchdowns and they won 60 to 0 in the end.

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