Trapped In An Elevator | Teen Ink

Trapped In An Elevator

December 19, 2007
By Anonymous

It all happened when Brett Favre, Michael Jodan, and Macgyver were all in the same elevator. The door quickly slid shut and the lights flickered on and off. The elevator was jammed. Michael Jordan was in a hurry because he had a big game starting at 6:00 p.m. Everybody started discussing ways to get out. Brett Favre tried hitting the emergency button for help, but all the buttons were broken. Brett gripped the football with his large hands and slapped it with anger.
Macgyver stuttered. aWell guys this shouldnat be that hard to solve, Any problem can be solved with a little ingenuity.a
aIt's the hand we're dealt. We've put ourselves in this position, and we've got to find a way to get out of it,a says Favre. Macgyver opened the suitcase he was holding and pulled out all kinds of tools. He starting creating some type of remote with the tools he had in the suitcase.
He said, aIam gonna try and create a remote to trigger the elevator to open.a Brett Favre decided to practice throwing the football around in the elevator. He launched the ball off the wall. The ball bounced off the wall and hit Michael Jordan in the face. Michael Jordan fell to the ground. Suddenly he jumped to his feet and shoved Favre.
Michael said, awhat was that for fool, you want to take it out on the court.a Brett Favre laughed and started trash talking to Michael Jordan.
Macgyver interrupted the argument, a~You guys got to stop fighting, were not going to get out of here if you keep this up.a Finally Michael and Brett settled down and stopped trash talking with each other.
Brett said, aIf we work as a team, we can solve anything.a
aWell if we push each other to do something we can fix this problem.a says Michael.
Macgyver kept working on his remote with some wires and a few batteries. Eventually he finished the remote and pushed down on the button. The elevator swung open. All three of them looked at each other, completely shocked.
Macgyver looked at both of them and said, aI feel like James Bond.a They both laughed and all three of them rushed off the elevator.
Michael shook both Macgyver and Favreas hand and said, aI got a game to play, time to dominate the court.a Then he walked away from the two. Macgyver and Favre both walked out of the hotel together and went separate ways.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 10 2011 at 11:56 pm
chellelinn95 BRONZE, Mariposa, California
1 article 1 photo 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened". -Doctor Seuss

The first thing I must note is you made barely any distingtion of when the charactors were talking or otherwise. I felt semi disconnected from the story and found it hard to follow along. It was slightly interesting but to be perfectly honest I suggest that you search out another way to write this.