Julip: Creating the World | Teen Ink

Julip: Creating the World

October 6, 2012
By AshWords87 BRONZE, Nephi, Utah
AshWords87 BRONZE, Nephi, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Air was of all that was good and was all that was good. From the breath of life, there was air. Born of and in the air came Julip, and she was creator. As much as she was born of air, she was air, and her being was just and good. She was only atmosphere, and longed for solidity to hold to. Thus, she created with the stone of her will, a large heavy mass which she called Earth. Again and again she formed together large masses she called planets. Her favorite was always the first small mass she named Earth.

Julip wanted to do more than create planets for the rest of forever. Created then were three children: Sariah, William, and Lance. Sariah was made of joy and love, the first child. She gave forth sunlight and warmth to the planets. Second born was William, the creator of colors. He painted planets with fiery reds that turned to smokes, and blues that turned to water. The youngest and last born was Lance. He created land that could exist even in the cool blues his brother had made, and requested they be of many colors as well. As reds, greens, blacks, purples, amongst many more, began to fill the universe; Julip grew full with pride and joy.

Though much of the universe had been filled with color and warmth, Julip still held onto Earth as a final prize. She told her children there was to be a contest and the winner would receive the Earth to cover and she would give the gift of life to it. The contest was for each child to create something extraordinarily special to deserve life on Earth.

Lance was the first to create his beings. He took the textures of the land and created scales, then furs from the curves of the sand, and teeth from the rocks of the river bottoms. Reptiles big and small came to be in their still statuesque figures. Elephants, tigers, bears, kangaroos, and more sprang from the hands of Lance. To his mother he offered these fine creatures and collectively called them animals. To lead them he last put the pride he felt of his work into a final creature and called him Lion, King of The Animals.

Soon after Lance, William created things to grow from the Earth. He poured his colors into many shapes and designs. To his mother he offered his own creature beings, ready for life, and called them Plants. He had created flowers full of bright color, grains full of rich color, and deep green trees tall enough to stroke his mother’s face. For a final creation, he made a single pink flower and named it Daisy.

Last to create her beings was Sariah. She saw the works of her brothers and was struck by a brilliant idea. Instead of a variety of creatures, she created just one, and named them People. She asked her brothers to help her. They gave People different colors of browns, whites, blacks and even cream. Lance gave her muscle and bone for their bodies, and William gave the colors and hairs. Sariah gave eyes to see, hands to touch, tongues to taste, ears to hear, and noses to smell all the wonders her brothers had also created for Earth.

So pleased with the love her children had shown each other, Julip gave life to all the creations of her children. Sariah, however, having shown much wisdom in using the help of her brothers, was granted to reign with her People over the other creations. Together they were one, and were good, and the world as Earth came to be as is.

The author's comments:
Creation Myth!

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