The Lazy, Fat, Soon to be, Zebra | Teen Ink

The Lazy, Fat, Soon to be, Zebra

June 3, 2008
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, before there were colors on animals, there was a white horse-like creature. (A soon to be zebra) Now don’t get me wrong, they weren’t the only animals on the planet, actually, there were more animals on the planet than there are now because none of them were extinct. Well, except for the dinosaurs. Anyway, this white horse-like things name was Zebra. He was the only one of his kind that he knew of. He had heard rumors of others but he wasn’t quite sure he believed them. Now, Zebra was very, very, very fat. He ate pretty much anything that was edible and that was in reaching distance. One day, early spring, the great white Lion roared out, “Everyone! Come look at what I discovered!” So every one of the animals ran, galloped, swam, hopped, slithered, and anything else they did, up to the lions den except for Zebra. Once they got there, they couldn’t believe their eyes! There were different colored and textured skins, furs, and feathers that they could put on. The lion went first. He came out of the den looking more magnificent than ever. Zebra slowly lifted his head and gazed at lion. “Come up here you fool! There are colors!” Said Lion. Slowly, Zebra got up and started heading toward the den, munching on grass here and there. Once Zebra finally reached the den, he was out of breath and fatter than ever. He looked in the den and the only piece of skin left was a smallish, plain black piece. “O well.” He thought. “I guess it’s better than nothing at all.” Therefore, he squeezed the piece over his fat body, and went outside. The first step he took, the skin ripped. “Wonderful.” He thought. “Just wonderful.”
So, now you know the truth. That zebras are white with black stripes.

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on May. 4 2011 at 8:53 pm
flyingpinkgiraffes, Chardon, Ohio
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ive always wondered that...