Reconnection | Teen Ink


May 15, 2008
By Anonymous

AS the train pulled into the station he gathered his things and began to walk towards the exit. These streets were familiar to him, the sights, the sounds. These were his old stomping grounds and he was unearthing the memories of his past. In his mind, these cracks on the sidewalks smooth and the air fills with nostalgia. The now unfamiliar faces ask him if he knows where he is, and he just passes by ignoring their reminders of the place being lost in his mind.
DOWNTOWN the air is thick and smoke filled as he walks through crowds of women, all in their mid-twenties, they must be the girls he used to know in high school. A few of the harlequins take his eye, and he takes theirs’. It’s hard to believe that this it what becomes of his old classmates, working these streets, calling men’s names in crowded spaces. The life and times have changed and he is unwelcome here, this world is no longer his, the collision of the worlds is not something sustainable he is no longer welcome here.
AGAIN, he must turn his back on who he was, in order to become this man who he used to want to be, but how different is this all-or-nothing businessman from the streetwalker he passed by a few moments ago. When you visit your past, how similar are you to what you used to fear?

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