May 28, 2012
By JuanDiegoRamirez BRONZE, Hood, Virginia
JuanDiegoRamirez BRONZE, Hood, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One calm summer morning in the beautiful woods of El Salvador there was a snake starring at a bird while he was taking a nap on a tree branch. The snake was really hungry, but he couldn’t get to the bird, so he looked to the right, and saw nothing but trees and rivers, then he looked to his left and spotted a lonely squirrel resting in front of the tree. The snaked approached the squirrel and asked him:

- “Hey squirrel, you wanna go get me that bird?”

-“What? No! Why don’t you do it yourself?”

-“Seriously? I don’t have legs or arms, come on, and do it for a brother from another mother?”

-“Ok snake, give me one good reason to do it, and I will.”

-“I’ll be your friend”. The snake slithered closer to the squirrel. “For life!”

-“Are you serious!?” the squirrel said with joy, and excitement.

As soon as the squirrel figured out it was true by the look on the snake’s face, he climbed up the tree, grabbed the bird by the neck, and brought it down for the snake to eat it, the snaked estranged the bird with it body it sounded like all the birds bones broke at the same time, the previous lonesome squirrel looked at his new friend, and the snake said to him:

-“Thanks….. See you later.”

-“Wait… let’s hang out?” The squirrel asked with disappointment.

-“Dude…. I have stuff to do” the snake pointed at his belly, where the bird was. “Can’t you see? I got to digest this bird, I’m going to take a nap…. have a nice life”. The snake aggressively responded.

While the snake was napping, the squirrel asked himself:

-“what have I done? I just killed my neighbor for a stupid snake and I didn’t’ even get a friend.”

-“Now I have to live next to those birds and I don’t have a pal to help me through it”. The squirrel said to himself in remorse.

Be your own person

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