Divorce to a Young Mind | Teen Ink

Divorce to a Young Mind

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

Her name was Lucy Lue; she was six years old and stood about three foot two. She was happy and full of joy but she didn’t know what she was about to go through. One day she skipped inside from play and realized Mommy and Daddy had nothing to say. They were in different rooms doing different things and the rest of the day things didn’t change.
She shrugged it off and said, “Oh well, they will change. It’s just a faze. It will be fine tomorrow, just like my last fight with my best friend Leah Mays Haze.”
The next day, she came home from school as happy as can be. She scampered in the front door only to find her dad was there no more.
“Where did he go? How could this be? Now it’s just her mom and Lucy Lue, which is me.”
“Lucy Lue, come here to me.”
“What Mommy, What could it be?”
“Your dad is gone, but only for a couple days. A business trip he couldn’t get out of. He tried many different ways.”
Lucy Lue believed her mom and didn’t ask questions. She went to her room with a heavy heart. As tears came rolling down her cheek, she said to herself, “Please Let Daddy come home soon.”
She waited and waited as long as she could but then a week flew by and no sign of Daddy. “Mommy, where is Daddy?”
“Lucy Lue you have to understand. To have a roof over your head you have to let Dad work. Now go get ready for bed.” Another week flew by.
“Still, at work?” Lucy Lue asked.
“Actually, Lucy Lue, work was never his task. I tried to see what was going to be but then he didn’t come home so I thought, oh, Woopideedee. Now baby, come here and give me a hug. I’m going to tell you everything now. Go get your mug. You made this mug for the three of us, but now we’re down to two. There is no more daddy or papa just me and you.”
“This is hard for you to understand but it’s a way of showing the man above has a good plan. He sent daddy away far from us because he knew that with me and you that’s all of whom we could trust. Daddy called me names and raised his hand so I told him to go to a different land. One far away from us and for him to never be seen, I wish things could have been different, this path was never foreseen. So, child, take my hand and hold it tight for we will be together forever, every single night.”
“Still to this day it’s still me and my mom which is a blessing of our heavenly everlasting bond.” Lucy Lue and her mom lived happily ever after.

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This article has 1 comment.

miawrites said...
on Aug. 20 2008 at 3:31 am
I love the simple, childish, haunting tone of this story. And the sad kind of hopefullness at the end. Nice story!