Humans: A Brief History on the Extinct Species | Teen Ink

Humans: A Brief History on the Extinct Species

March 26, 2012
By Edge_of_the_World BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
Edge_of_the_World BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Our relationship to Homo sapiens or "humans" is a highly controversial matter. Many scientists debate over whether we are to be considered “humans” or if we are a separate species altogether. While I personally am a firm believer that we are a divergent species of humans, the purpose of this article to provide a non-biased presentation of human life as it was before the event commonly referred to as the Shift.

As discovered from ancient records, humans were a hominid species that once dominated the Earth many years ago. Evolved from primates, humans were exceptional creatures in that they were the first species of sentient life on our planet. Marked with their ability to adapt to almost any environment, these creatures proved to be quite resilient in sustaining their existence. Their creation of clothing allowed them to endure the harshest of climates while their ability to make tools launched them further up the food chain, making them predators of even the fiercest animals. It is in this setting that humans began to flourish and spread across the globe.

Fast forward several thousand years. Humans have now built many grand civilizations, ranging from the Ancient Greeks to the Aztecs, which were two of the greatest societies of human history. Common aspects of human interaction include cooperation, conquer, and complete destruction of each other. Human nature was both wonderful and vile at the same time, pushing towards magnificent goals while tending to crush those that got in its way. From the Crusades to the Invasion of the Americas, human progress was almost always followed by human conflict.

This conflict is what brought on the start of what was known as World War III at the turn of the 24th century. This massive struggle, which involved practically every nation on Earth, was the direct result of a global depression that sparked many to blame one another of its cause. Despite numerous attempts by the United Nations, an international committee similar to our Conglomerate of Nations, to prevent the war, to prevent it, the war began after the nuclear bombing of Hong Kong, the capital of a nation known as China, by the United States, a nation that was severely indebted to China. As nations took sides, many feared the destruction that a nuclear war would entail. Fortunately, nuclear attacks were small in number before the event known the Outbreak, resulting in limited damage to the environment.

A group of scientists were tasked with finding a way to extend the lifespan of a soldier on the battlefield by the government of Russia, an ally to the United States. Using the advancements in genetic research that had occurred right before the start of the war, the scientists began what was known as Project Hades. The result of Project Hades was R-229, a retrovirus whose creation marked the beginning of both the Outbreak and the Shift. Although the virus was successful in its tests, its side-effects caused the project to be deemed a failure. The scientists, however, saw great potential in the virus, not for the application of war, but as a way to unify the human race against a common enemy. Thus, through a variety of methods, they unleashed the virus in several of the world’s most populated locations. The scientists’ predictions were correct, as humans joined forces in an attempt to eliminate the new threat caused by the virus. Unfortunately, however, the scientists did not foresee how quickly the virus had spread. The human race, already weakened by a global conflict, eventually went extinct at the hands of our ancestors, and the Shift was complete.

It is here that the evolution of our species begins. Despite what many people say, whether it be the retrohumanists who say that we are, in essence, still “human” or those who believe, such as I, that we are a new species altogether, many people have taken to call themselves what the humans had called us ages ago: zombies. –Daniel Yung

The author's comments:
This article is taken from a magazine in a universe that I plan to use as the setting for several stories that I would like to write. Here, I try to represent the author's views and knowledge as realistically as I can, taking into account both the social and scientific backgrounds that the article originates from, with the added twist that the setting provides. It is in this way that I hope to have my writing viewed less fantastical and more real, despite its obviously fictitious nature.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Mar. 29 2012 at 3:57 pm
AnimaCordis GOLD, London, Other
13 articles 0 photos 131 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Evil is when the good do nothing"

I really liked this paper. I thought it was both orginal and well written. I think you sound like a real reporter, your use of language is great! You use 'big words' and don't sound preentious.

on Mar. 28 2012 at 5:07 pm
Blue4indigo PLATINUM, Sturbridge, Connecticut
24 articles 0 photos 382 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'd rather be sorry for something that I did than for something I didn't do.
-Red Scott

I absolutely love this! Very well written, very unique, and exactly one of my favorite genra. Although it is immensely effective as it is, I'd love to read it as part of an entire novel!

on Mar. 28 2012 at 1:36 pm
Edge_of_the_World BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Thanks for the review!  As for your question on whether I'm going to continue this, the answer is yes.  This article is an experimental peek into the universe that some of my planned stories will take place.

leafy said...
on Mar. 28 2012 at 9:26 am
leafy, City, Other
0 articles 0 photos 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion. 
Ernest Hemingway: I hate it. 
Gil: You haven't even read it yet. 
Ernest Hemingway: If it's bad, I'll hate it. If it's good, then I'll be envious and hate it even more. You don't want the opinion of another writer. 

Wow, piece this is really good! I didn't catch any grammar or spelling mistakes and could tell it had been well thought out. It was interesting to read the narrator's recount of the past and (well, it's still history for him) predictions for the future, and they were fairly believable as well. I see this as an excellent opening for a great novel- do you plan on continuing this? If so, I wouldn't definitely read the following chapters :). Anyhow, great job- this piece definitely deserved it's Editor's Choice mark. Keep it up 5/5