Alexis Story | Teen Ink

Alexis Story

March 19, 2008
By Anonymous

As Alexis walked into the house, she knew she was moving again. Alexis walked over to the Miles’ and thanked them for letting her stay in their home. In fifteen minutes, she had her closed packed and ready to go. Alexis’s social worker, Carman, lead her out of the house. After Alexis got in Carman’s 2008 Honda Odyssey, Alexis asked, “Where are you taking me now”? “New York”, replied Carman. Alexis started laughing then realized she was laughing aloud and immediately stopped. Carman smiled and turned in her seat to face Alexis. “I have a friend who would love to take care of you so that I can start the adoption process on you.” “Really who is going to adopt me?” “I am if you would be okay with that” responded Carman. “His name is David he lives in New York. I met him in college and he has agreed to do a real big favor for me and take you in as his foster child until I can adopt you.” “Did you two ever go out?” questioned Alexis. “Yes, we did but now we are just friends. Got it, just friends!” Carman replied immediately “okay what does he do for a living?” “That is the reason you will be spending most of your time with me. He is a doctor and works long hours. David is an emergency room doctor but is opening his own practice.” “So wait… who am I going to be living with?” “David, but I will almost always be near. Actually, my new office is across the street from your school so you can come there afterwards and I am looking for an apartment near his. Therefore, I will be in walking distance in case you ever need me.” Alexis almost swept away with emotion barely got out “I would love to have you adopt me I never thought I would get adopted because of my age.” It took Carman a second to react and when she did she replied “Well I love you and want you to live with me.” “so when do we go” “tonight if that is okay with you I already arranged to have your school papers faxed to me and everyone that we need to sign off on it has so we are set to go I just wanted to ask you” “ what about plane tickets and luggage and everything?” “Its no problem you have your stuff and I have mine so we are ready to go. If you are” “lets go” Once they arrived at the LAX they loaded their luggage on to the cart and took off side by side through check in through security even though they had to break apart along enough to get through the security scanner. After they were seated on, the plane Alexis quickly fell asleep and Carman sit and watched her knowing soon Alexis would be her daughter and she would be a mom.
When they got to the airport, David was waiting at the gate. Carman immediately spotted him and led Alexis over to him. All of a sudden, Alexis was shy. Carman had never seen Alexis be shy before she is always out going. Oh my gosh David is shy too. Carman spoke up to break the awkwardness “Hi David nice to see you again this is Alexis” Finally David got up his courage, politely replied “Hi Alexis” Alexis quickly said “hi”, and sort of hid behind Carman as if she was scared of him. “David spoke up and said, “Well should we get your bags” “yes perfect I knew I would forget something.” When Carman took off for the baggage area she turned and remembered that Alexis had to use the restroom when the plane was landing and that she told her they would go once they were in the terminal so Carman asked David to escort Alexis to the restroom while she went and got their bags. Therefore, David quickly ushered Alexis to the restroom and waited right by the door for her. Afterwards Alexis and David walked side-by-side kind of awkward looking to find Carman. When they found Carmen, she had both of their stuff and trying to get it to the car. David quickly intervened, took the bags from Carman, and led them to his Suburban and when they were climbing in had Carman wondering how he parked the thing in that tight space. When they finally got to David’s place Alexis was sound asleep in the back and Carman was just about to fall asleep when David cut off the engine. Just when Carman was about to reach and wake up Alexis David put his hand on Carman’s arm and stopped her don’t worry I will take in the bags and then I can carry her in maybe she will get some good sleep. “Are you sure you don’t have to do this”. “I know it is no problem really and you can stay the night so that if she wakes up you are there and you don’t have to make that trip to your motel.” “Oh I don’t know” “I am sure she will be fine if I just woke her and let her know.” David replied, “Think about it you don’t even have a car yet so you will have to get a cab or take the subway at this hour it is just crazy!” Carman agreed with him but she did not want to tell him that. “Ok I guess I can stay do you have room” David quickly replied, “of course you can sleep in my bed.” David caught him self “And I can sleep on the couch that way Alexis can get use to her room.” “Okay that will be fine”. David then got out of the car, went, got the bags out of the trunk, and carried them in. Then come out and went to get Alexis out of the car by the time he got out there Carman had already had Alexis out of her seat belt. David easily lifted Alexis from the car and headed toward the house when Carman slid out of the car and ran to help him get the elevator open. Once they were on the elevator, David readjusted so that Alexis’s head was on his shoulder. Then stepped off and took her into the apartment and laid her in the bedroom he had thrown together for her last week. It wasn’t his fault he was working on opening the clinic and quitting the E.R. that the other day when he woke up he realized that Alexis would be here in one week so he went out and picked out a bed, dresser. He then asked a nurses help to get anything else she might need and for some reason the nurse come back with a trunk full of stuff. While David was unloading everything in Alexis room, he realized that the nurse had bought a first aid kit, make-up, books, hangers perfume, purses, and When they were in the living room sitting down and talking David heard Alexis and sprung into action. Carman looked up and whispered what is it David sharply replied Alexis and kept walking. When they got into the room Alexis was twisting and turning. Carman quickly went over and soothed her and David realized what a good mother she would make. Carman explained where she was and what was going on and then looked over at David and said, “I am going to leave the two of you alone now.” “no it is okay you can still stay” “you two need to get to one another so this should be perfect she put a kiss on Alexis’ forehead and whispered “I am only a phone call away but don’t be scared he is very nice and he is about as scared as you.” Carman walked out. Thinking that she could see this it would be hilarious. David quickly asked her if she was still tired or is there was something she wanted to do or ask. Alexis claimed she was tired and just wanted to go back to be David said good night and walked out he went over to his office/dinning room and started working on charts. When Alexis quietly walked through the door. “What is it what do you need?” “Oh um I don’t have any pajamas my old foster family let me bother their daughters and I don’t have my own.” “Hey I can take care of that just wait here” David ran into his bedroom and pulled out an old t-shirt and handed it to Alexis “This should work for tonight tomorrow we will go get you some.” “Really thank you so much” Alexis walked off to the bathroom to get changed and ready for bed and David went back to work. Alexis slipped on David’s t-shirt that said UCSF on it. Maybe that is where David went to school Alexis quickly changed brushed her teeth and crept outside to say good night and thank you again when David stopped her and said “You don’t always have to say thank you I am here for you.” Alexis walked back to her room and looked over and seen that her clothes were still in her suitcase so she got up to unpack and when she opened her drawer she realized why Carman had left her stuff in the suitcase the drawers was totally full with stuff. Make-up, books, perfume and all of the girly things she always wanted but could never get. Alexis quietly shut her drawer and crawled into bed for a good rest. Alexis woke up to some one knocking on her bedroom door. Alexis realized she has her own room and soon her own mother family wow had things changed. When Alexis woke to someone knocking on her door. She got up with the blanket wrapped around her she opened the door and David was standing there in an old pair of gray sweat pants. “Good morning I have to go to work at ten, but I wanted to take you and Carman out for breakfast and sight seeing. So Carman is on her way and I have got everything I need from the bathroom so it is all yours” David lead Alexis to her dresser drawer and showed her everything. Alexis’ eyes got huge and she hugged and thanked him. David took the girls to the Atlas Café. After they had ate and was leaving he realized that he wanted to spend the day with Alexis and Carman not patching people together again and inserting tubes into people who could not breathe, but he was suppose to bring Alexis for everyone to meet. He slipped his phone from his pocket before Alexis could see and text Carman my office has been bugging me to let them meet Alexis and I was thinking this would be perfect for them you can take her shopping and get her some new clothes including pajamas long story. Then you can bring her by the hospital. Then maybe they will get off of my back. What do you think. I am going to go pay the bill and you can use the bathroom or something.
Carman jumped when her phone started vibrating she opened up under the table as not to disturb other people and laughed. David come back right after she put her phone in her case holder. And smiled at him when he set back down. Carman started the decision first “Alexis I think you need some new clothes to start your new life and a good winter coat.” David intervened “Carman I agree with you but I think you do too. What do you think Alexis how about a shopping trip. Then when you two drop me off tomorrow morning you can meet everyone in your new what do you call it?” “New look” Carman answered “Yeah that is it so are you okay with that or do you want to do something different?” “That’s fine with me but you don’t have to get me new clothes I have enough.” “Have you looked in your closet it is huge and we have to fill it up.” Shortly after they finished breakfast. They were in the parking lot of the Staten Island. Carman quickly jumped out of the car acting all excited and peppy “Lets go I have been waiting for a long time to get my hands on this mall.” “David got out and opened Alexis’s door and waited for her to get out but it took Alexis a while she just had to soak it all in she had people that cared for her soon she would have a mom and oh wouldn’t it be great if Carman could make it work with David. Alexis slowly climbed out of the car and went to stand beside Carman. All three started walking in to the mall and was overwhelmed when they entered the mall they were overwhelmed with Macys and all of the stores around it. After 1 hour, David was loaded down with bags and had only got one thing a shirt. However, he was okay with that because he had finally seen Alexis smile she was having so much fun she just shined it was so worth it. Carman was having crazy fun dressing Alexis up in all of these clothes and that is when it hit him. He loved Carman and Alexis what would he do when Carman is able to adopt Alexis then leaves. He had to get that out of his mind. Just till they leave and everything will go back to normal. After the shopping trip David went to work after he dropped Alexis and Carman off at his house. Carman had mentioned something about going to check in at her hotel. And he had to work so they would probably hang out at Carman’s motel room. After a very long 12 hour shift and three traumas he was very ready to go home and crash but, what about Alexis where was she. He checked his voice mail and found a message from Carman that she would drop Alexis off and wait until he got there. David made his way out only stopping for a second to say goodbye to Kate and he was out of there. When he got home a car was in his driveway he assumed that it was Carman’s new car. He went in to find Carman asleep on the couch and Alexis beside her with a cover over her and a movie on. David walked over and tossed another cover over Carman and went to turn the TV off when he noticed the title was Saving Private Ryan he has always wanted to see that so he sit down in the chair and about the time Ryan’s son was running for him he fell asleep and woke to giggles from Alexis’ room. He got up and walked over an knocked and heard a kind of squeal from Carman and then a “Come in” David slowly opened the door and walked in. Alexis was laying across the bed and Carman was sitting beside her with her laptop on the bed and they were laughing their heads off. Carman waved him over and he walked over to the other side and leaned over the bed and looked down at what they were laughing about and it was his profile from the hospital “What is so funny?” “oh nothing just your picture” “that isn’t funny”

David understood why it was so funny he walked in the building Kate who turned out to be his best friend round the corner introduced her self and snapped his picture before he had time to say anything and afterwards Kate strut up to him and welcomed him and took him to the lounge to get ready and meet the boss even though the way things run around there it is Kate who everyone goes to even the senior doctors sometimes still ask for her help which is funny because she is one of the youngest people there he has always wondered why she never went on to medical school. So one day he decided to ask her and she answered with the most simple answer he has ever heard “I am here for the patience’s not the money or fame.” Sometimes he felt like being a nurse for a day especially when he would get real close with a patience and they would go to another floor or leave he would never know what happen to them or anything that is why he was opening the clinic so he would know what happened to people after one or two visits he would get to see kids grow up and help families when their loved ones past away and not just pawn them off on the first nurse that walks by. He was hoping that Kate would come with him and invest in become like a partner she would be a great boss. An added bonus is that she is real good with people and can talk to anyone no matter who they were. She would probably treat George Clooney like Marvin from down the street. Who knows he is just hoping for the best.

David smiled and said yeah well lets see your picture and pulled up Carman’s picture which was beautiful she had her blonde hair pulled up in a loose bun with strings of hair shaping her face. And a beautiful blue blouse under a tight black jacket with dark pants that fit very firm around her Carman laughed well they will be taking that off pretty soon I have decided that I love New York and am going to stay here.. Mea and Alexis have talked about it and she has agreed with me we need to start anew life with just us. That comment shot a pain through David’s heart just the two of them he knew that she wasn’t just going to forget about him but he wanted to stay with them and be apart of their family so it is just the three of them. He smiled and made the excuse that he had a meeting so he went showered and then changed and stopped by the kitchen long enough to say good bye and where they were going to be. After, David had left Alexis looked over at Carman and just simply said “he is in love with you. You know the love that you would do anything for that person where your tripping and falling every time they see you.”
Carman laughed and just said “no he is in love with both of us.” Alexis liked to think what it would be like to have Carman as her mom and David as her dad.

From there on out she was having fun constantly she would go to school where she met this guy named Brad who was head over hills for her. He would carry her books wait for her after class and offer to do anything for her. So after 3 weeks Brad invited Alexis out to a movie and Alexis got off the bus running to meet Carman. That night Carman helped Alexis pick out the perfect outfit while David paced back and forth. Finally the time come and the door bell ring David was the first one up and to the door Carman raced after him pulled him back and opened the door. David invited him to sit down so Brad did. And his parents followed. Carman started “David why don’t you go get Alexis.” “Yeah sure okay.” David walked over to Alexis door and knocked are you ready “Yeah be there in a second.” David walked back into the living room wearing scrubs and tennis shoes. “So where are you going how are you getting there and when will you be back?” Brad stated to answer “The mo….” David kept talking “what kind of grades do you make do you get in a lot of trouble do you…” Carman cut him off when Alexis walked through the door. Alexis walked over to him and simply asked “are you ready?” “David walked over to Alexis handed slipped a $50 bill in her hand “Just in case.” Alexis slipped it back in his hand Brad spoke up. “You know you’re the most protective dad I have ever met.” “Yeah well I am not her dad just her second best friend and I am one of those friends that will kill someone if they mess with one of my friends.” Brad looked at Alexis and kind of ushered her out the door with a terrified look on his face like lets go before I die. They walked out and David started to follow when Carman ran up and stopped David from following them out to the car. “They will be fine you have to learn to trust Alexis.” Carman reassured “I trust Alexis but I don’t trust him I was just like him and I can’t believe we are letting her just walk out. Try imagining me at that age that is about what I was like at his age cocky, and ignorant. Carman started to get her jacket and keys what are you waiting for lets go.” “Go where what are you talking about we have no where to go.” Don’t you want to follow them. If you don’t then you can stay here I am going.” David and Carman was out the door with in thirty seconds and running down the stairs and in David’s car and before they even had time to discuss who was driving Carman was in the drivers seat and speeding out. David was yelling directions to her.

When they finally arrived at the Movie theater they calmly got out and walked over like a couple on a date which was kind of weird for Carman seeing as how she was the one that broke up the relationship. They walked up to the counter and bought two tickets to the movie they seen Alexis coming their way so David grabbed the tickets and went running with Carman behind him and they ran and some how ended back to where they first met the Twelve Bar & Lounge. Carman took him over to the table where he tried the most horrible pick up line there ever was. She then laughed at him and he repeated it at the same spot as he had 10 years ago. They then went back to the movie theater to check on everyone and when they went in they were both sitting in the back watching the movie Carman distracted David “Lets get out of here they are safe then something caught their eye there was a couple walking toward them. Hi you must be Alexis’s parents. “Well no actually we are not I.” “Carman cut him off yeah we are Alexis parents what are no offense but what are you doing here. Oh well we just wanted to check up on Brad.” Well you can trust Alexis of no we are worried about Brad he is a guy and my husband remembered how he was.” “Yeah us too.” Carman agreed “So why don’t you two go and have the day off and we will hang out here we brought are youngest and she wants to see the movie we will make sure she gets home safe.” Just then Carman looked down and saw the cutest blond little girl standing beside them Brad’s dad scooped her up and walked off to their seats. Carman agreed and her and David was walking out of the building discussing how that little girl was the cutest thing she had ever seen. Just then a lady that looked 8 months pregnant walked by and David noticed how sad Carman looked what was wrong with her. When they got out to the car David turned and looked at Carman you can talk to me what is wrong? Oh nothing I just well don’t worry about it I am fine let’s go you can drop me off at my new apartment. Oh I thought you would come back to my place and maybe get some dinner or something. No thanks I just want to go home. Once they arrived at Carman’s place she jumped out of the car and headed for the door David waited for her to get inside then went to leave. Half way home he realized that they were friends and she should be able to talk to him. So he slammed on his brakes almost made the person behind him wreck and made a illegal u-turn and started back to her house. When he showed up she was sitting out on the balcony with her head down. He lied and claimed that they were married and he had locked him self out. The guard smiled and opened the door. David walked through the door and saw glass broke papers unfolded and the whole room was a mess what had happened he stepped out side on to the balcony and went over to Carman and put his hand on her shoulder she jumped and looked at him. He bent down in front of her on hands and knees “Please we have been friends for years tell me what is wrong.” “Well the adoption came through.” “Really that is amazing why are you crying and what happen in your room?” “I am leaving and taking Alexis with me.” Carman quickly stopped her tears for just a few seconds. “What why I can’t stay here you need a life separate from us and we need to get out on our own the adoption will be final this Monday and we will leave that Tuesday then you can have your life back.” “No you don’t understand you are my life and Alexis is too I don’t want you to leave.” “but we have to.” I am sorry hey what about that nurse you are always talking about why don’t you start dating her she seems real nice but she isn’t you I want you please re consider this.” “We have made up our mind and this is what is best for everyone.” The week flew by and before they knew it the girls were packed and ready to leave. David drove them to the airport he walked through with them in till he couldn’t go any far Carman walked up to David and gave a small brave smile. She hugged him hard and reassured him that they would come for visits as a matter of fact Alexis was coming for spring break to stay with him. He smiled politely and whispered in her ear “but it won’t be the same.” Carman walked back over to where their stuff was and Alexis walked up gave him a huge hug. Carman broke the moment with “It’s time to go we are going to miss our flight Alexis and David broke apart and Alexis started walking with Carman and they David was waving goodbye as they left the terminal.
David couldn’t face just leaving so he went and got some coffee and called Kate. He explained what had happened and Kate put down the paint samples she was using to decorate the clinic and set down Kate had agreed to join him and work at the clinic. She listened and before either of them knew what was going on they were planning to meet this evening to talk and to make some decisions for the clinic. David got a phone call in the middle of their dinner and when he went to shut off the phone he recognized that it was Carman’s number. Kate smiled “Go answer the phone, I understand.” “Thanks I really appreciate it.” David excused himself and almost run out of the restaurant to answer the phone. When he got out there it was Alexis to tell him that they were in a motel and that Carman would have called but she was in the bath. David started to imagine Carman in the bath with bubbles around her and then knocked him self out of it when Alexis ask if he was there he talked to Alexis and then heard Carman’s voice in the background He asked if he could talk to Carman and he heard Alexis step outside she is really side and can’t talk to you just give her sometime I can’t believe that you would do that to her. Do what David replied want us to leave and then go out with Kate right after we leave. David couldn’t believe this where are you what motel what state. You won’t believe this but we are in West Virginia in Huntington at the Best Western why thanks talk to you later. David run in the restaurant and quickly explained everything to Kate she understood and he was off. David called a cab from his cell met him outside of the restaurant and jumped in and shouted “LAX and please hurry.” The cab driver rocketed off. Everyone was sound asleep around him but he couldn’t sleep he was focused on finding Carman and Alexis. When the plane landed he had make friends with the flight attendant and she managed to let him off first and have a cab waiting for him even though it cost him a good 50 bucks. He jumped in the cab and before he knew it they were pulling into the parking lot of the motel. He jumped out paid the driver and then walked into the motel lobby and claimed that he was Carman’s husband and he had locked him self out. The manager knew better and called the room. Carman answered “Hello” “yes ms. There is a man up here claiming to be your husband but you signed as a Ms. So I was just wanting to check with you.” Yes thank you would you hold him there and I will be there in a second. Carman made an excuse that the they had a few questions they had forgot to ask so she had to go up and clear it up. When she got up to the main office David was standing there waiting on her. She walked up to him and smiled and thanked the older man for keeping him company. She led him to the private room off of the office and set down and ask the most simple question “What the hell are you doing here?” David started to explain when she cut him off abruptly “Just leave please I can’t take this just then a man walked in with his little boy and David smiled of course Carman had seen it and just then David saw the look on Carman’s face something was wrong. That is just it you want kids tons of kids you have talked about it since the first time I met you and I can’t provide that for you. Why not? Because I can’t have kids you need someone that can Kate you were on a date with her why don’t you go back to her and away from here Alexis is going to come and visit you so don’t worry we will be fine no I don’t have to have kids shoot we can adopt it doesn’t matter to me whatever you want I want a family and I had one in till you decided to leave and take Alexis with you wait you wanted me and Alexis to be your family the manager listened in and had called Alexis to come down that it was a emergency and to hurry. Alexis came down and when she heard Carman say that they wanted to be his family to she came in and hugged them both and knew with out a doubt that this was here family.

Alexis walked across the stage of her high school graduation and looked out at her family and seen her Carman and David standing looking up at her and her new brother’s and sister’s sitting down beside them turns out that Carman had totally healed from why she couldn’t have kids and lets just say They filled the house with laughter and fun Alexis was in love with her family and to thank it only took 10 years for them to wake up and look at each other.

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