Naturally Funny | Teen Ink

Naturally Funny

February 29, 2008
By Anonymous

“Hey, Bob!” Phil yelled.

“Yeah” I replied as caught he up to me. Phil was panting and out
of breath after running the long way after me.

“So are we still having that sleep over tonight?” asked Phil

“Of course, are you crazy,” I replied “I would always love to spend time with my best friend and stay up all night. What are you stupid.”

“So I’ll see you tonight,” Phil took a long pause. “Oh. And I’m not stupid.”

Later that night Phil showed up at my house. The walls were newly painted so the house had an eerie smell to it that made his nose shrivel up. I don’t know why we painted over them. They were white and then we painted them white and paid for it. We decided to try to sleep in my messy basement to say the least. But it was actually kind of clean with only the occasional piece of cardboard or stuff.
The two of us played for the rest of the night until we were just too tired to do anything else. Right before we were about to go to sleep Phil had to tell me that he talked in his sleep. At the time I did not think it would be that big a deal at all until he fell asleep and I was left awake to listen to him. He kept me up all night. It was not that he was loud, it was more that every thing he said was so funny. I mean Phil had always been funny, but nothing could ever top this. And it was like he was a natural at it.

“Bob.” Phil mumbled.

“Yeah” I replied “Please go back to sleep your so much more enjoyable when your like that.”

“Why” He said and than turned and looked at me waiting for an answer.

“Oh no reason” I said thinking about telling him what it really was. But before I could both of us sat back down and went to sleep.

In the morning there was no time to lose I had to tell him all the funny things he had said. As soon as the both of us were awake I wanted both of us to laugh our heads off.

About twenty minutes after I woke up I had that chance. I could not chose
how to start my story. So I decided to just wing it. I dove right into the hilarious words that seemed to just flow out of his mouth. He seemed to enjoy it a lot as well. He most of all liked the sentence “tons of minutes until …waffles.” I thought it was pretty amazing that even though he said all these things himself he had never heard them before and thought that was funny.

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This article has 1 comment.

notmehaha GOLD said...
on Oct. 3 2011 at 10:44 pm
notmehaha GOLD, Suffolk, Virginia
17 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be who you are and say what you feel. Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Suess

Pretty nice story, I'd kill to hear what he said though.


Could you add another example?