Taken it Out in Words | Teen Ink

Taken it Out in Words

January 18, 2012
By BGuapaaa BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
BGuapaaa BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pushing people into lockers, giving bloody noses, black eyes. Hey you name it I pretty much did everything a bully would do. Why? I don’t know, I guess it felt good taking my anger out on someone. Well I’m Stevie Hazlehurst and this is my story.

Everyday when I’m at home I would always hear how much of a loser I am, how I’m not the daughter my parents ever wanted. Every time I would hear these kinds of things it makes me so upset. I want to be able to change their words and be this successful girl, so I can look at them and change their thoughts about me. Yeah I understand why they say those things to me but it still hurts.

When I’m at school I would just have a huge headache cause I can picture my parents yelling at me so that’s when my anger starts kicking in and I start hitting people, people who have it all even though they did absolutely nothing wrong. Every time I take my anger out I always feel better.

After School I walked home and bumped into a few people that were having a rap battle and they asked me if I wanted to give it a try I replied “sure, why not?” I didn’t really know what to talk about so I just rapped out everything that has been in my head that I’ve always wanted to get out, all my problems. I started to rap and let out all my problems after I finished my rap everyone around me gave me this surprising look and started giving me all these compliments that I did an amazing job. One random guy came up to me and said I should stop by there more because I’m really good and he liked what I said. After he told me that I ran home and started working on my next rap. It took me a while to figure out what I was going to write and finally a great idea popped out, so I started to write everything down. About an hour and half later I finished my rap so I began to practice for about 20 minutes. After practicing I decided to go to bed early to I can get a good night sleep.

My alarm goes off and I get up from my bed very fast I was in such a good mood and so excited for after school. After taking a shower and eating breakfast I ran straight to school happy as ever instead of throwing punches I was throwing high fives to everyone that walked by me, a lot of them flinched and a lot of them gave me this weird look.

It’s almost time for school to be over and I’m jumping everywhere waiting for the bell to ring, I’m screaming at the bell for it to ring. Two seconds later the bell rings and I ran straight to the door and ran to the spot without stopping and get to my destination. As soon as I arrived there it was almost my turn to rap and I noticed that I forgot my rap on my desk at home so I became scared, hopefully I can remember most of it and my rap was as good as yesterdays.

I started rapping and I rapped about my childhood all the things I went through, the troubles I had. After started clapping and liked my rap again. All of a sudden a random person tapped my shoulder and it was my mom I started panicking cause I was afraid to hear what she had to say “You forgot this” my mom said. It was my rap. “Thank you” I said “Why didn’t you tell me you loved doing this?” she asked. “I was afraid you weren’t going to like it” I said in a scared tone “if this keeps you away from staying out of trouble then I’m very proud of you” I began to tear up cause this was the first time my mom has ever said that and gave me a hug. I’m glad I finally found something that can keeps my mind of off things and take my anger out in words instead of people, and the fact that I made my mom happy made me feel a lot better about myself.

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