Goodbye | Teen Ink


September 10, 2011
By Radiius BRONZE, Golden, Colorado
Radiius BRONZE, Golden, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We part on a narrow road. The city skyline lights hide all but a single star in the blackened sky. But, who is to say that the sky is blue? Our eyes see it as so, but the sky is really a vast expanse of nothing. Here we are, hanging in the middle of space through forces unknown. Deep in thought, I barely realize that you've turned. I open my mouth to say something, but all that got me is wet hair on my tongue. Your umbrella keeps your shining face dry as you look back once more. I cry, but I'm sure you don't notice because of the rain. The pittering-pattering rain. A single tear, lit by the star in the sky, rolls down your cheek. It surprises me, for I never imagined that someone as strong and fearless as you had a tear in your body. I catch one more glimpse of your blue-gray eyes, looking at mine, before you turn your head again. There is a pause, where nothing moved, nothing stirred, and even the rain seemed to stop falling. And then, you break the silence, and run. Run away from the strife, the failures, the world. And all I can do is watch.


The author's comments:
Inspired by love, loss, and the universe around it.

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