Keep Your Eyes On Me | Teen Ink

Keep Your Eyes On Me

September 2, 2011
By oxygenwriter51 PLATINUM, Steinbach, Other
oxygenwriter51 PLATINUM, Steinbach, Other
20 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Not all who wander are lost." - JRR Tolkien

The air was very crisp. The breeze coming off of the lake was cool, just a hint of the temperature of the water. The waves were softly crashing against the boat I found myself in. The boat was gently rocking, as if it was rocking itself to sleep.
One look up at the sky and I knew what to expect in the near future. Dark clouds were forming in the lowest places of heaven. The crackling of thunder haunted the other side of the lake, my destination. Suddenly, a streak of lightning shot through the pitch black canopy above my head.
I needed to get to safety. I looked ahead; the storm threatened what lay in my future. I looked behind; the storm taunted what I put in the past. There was no way out of this storm.
The waves turned from softly crashing to violently galloping at the sides of my boat. The crisp air turned into a musky fog. The breeze turned into a full-force wind that had the temperature of death in it. It was freezing.
I saw a figure walking towards me, within the storm. At first I thought I was going crazy, that it was only a figment of my imagination. The storm was making me think things that I shouldn’t. The storm was giving me one more reason to fear.
But this was real.
“Come out onto the water.” He said to me. “Come out onto the crashing waves.”
I was frightened. “Are you insane? I can’t leave this boat. I’ll drown!”
That’s when I saw him fully. He was walking on the water. “Come out into your storm. Just keep your eyes on me and I’ll keep you safe.”
I stepped out onto the rolling waves. To my surprise, I didn’t sink. I kept my eyes on him.
I began to look down at my feet. Surely enough, I was walking on the water towards this man that I never knew. Or maybe I did know him. But as soon as I focused my attention on my walking, my feet began to be immersed in the salty water below.
I focused my attention back onto this man, just enough so that I’d get back on my feet again, so that I could continue walking on the water. I didn’t need his help. I could do this on my own.
Eyes on my own feet, I paced faster. Only the faster I walked, the faster my feet sunk into the water. It was beyond frustrating!
“Why aren’t you listening to me?” The man said. “Keep your eyes on me and I’ll keep you safe.”
Once again, I focused my attention on his face. My feet stopped slipping and I regained my balance. This time I kept my eyes on him for a little bit longer so that I could completely get back on my own feet. I left his eye contact.
My feet began to slip faster than they were before. I can do this on my own! I can do this on my own! I only need to think hard enough about it.
Suddenly, my waist was submerged in the water, too far for me to pull myself up. I needed help now. I called to him. “Please, save me. I’m going to drown! I shouldn’t have tried to do this by myself. I should’ve listened to you! Please, I don’t want to die! I’m drowning!”
Immediately, a dry hand grabbed mine. He pulled me up, and then pulled me close to his chest. He leaned in to whisper something in my ear. “Why did you doubt, you of little faith?”
I started to sob. “I thought I could do it on my own, but now I realize that I can’t.”
“Don’t cry, dear one. I’ve got you now.” He said softly, wiping the tears from my eyes. “Now, let’s try this again. This time… keep your eyes on me.”

The author's comments:
'Come' he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!' Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'
-Matthew 14:29-31

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