Seasonal Beauty | Teen Ink

Seasonal Beauty

June 21, 2011
By BrianT. SILVER, Boise, Idaho
BrianT. SILVER, Boise, Idaho
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't waste time or time will waste you.

On a bright summer morning, I decided to take a walk. The sunrise burst with warm colors: red, yellow, orange; banishing the darkness from the sky. The world was full of life, the trees lush with green, the robin busy teaching its young to fly, and all the people were out and about, too. I smelled some hot dogs on a barbecue, chlorine from the neighbor’s pool, and all the dogs being happily walked by their owners. The seeds and pollen kept blowing into me, and the hot sun warmed my skin, as my surroundings warmed my heart.

On a cool autumn day, I decided to take a walk. The fall colors were absolutely breath taking: the red contrasted the orange and the orange contrasted the yellow. There were browns, and even a few purple and pink looking leaves. I watched them fall around me, and then the chilly wind would blow them into my legs. I could see the beginnings of frost on the green grass, starting to lose its color. The sun was on its way to be hidden by the clouds, and the temperature was dropping by the day. I saw Halloween decorations, pumpkins with different faces carved in them, soon to make the sweet Thanksgiving pie. I saw fewer blue bikes and more brown rakes. The birds were starting to fly south, the birds that just learned to fly. As they flew away in their V shape, I stopped to watch.

On a freezing winter afternoon, I decided to take a walk (a very slow walk to avoid slipping on the ice known as the sidewalk). My red hat, red and white mittens, blue jacket, and black boots were still not keeping me as warm as the burning fireplace at my house, but they would have to do. I saw the snow covering the world between seeing my breath. The trees were left with no leaves, and were covered, every branch, with snow. Only the pine trees remained with any green, but they were also touched by the white, making them even more magnificent. I smelled the smoke from fireplaces everywhere. I saw Christmas decorations. The lights blazed the foggy, cloudy skies, showing their pretty bright colors. It might have been afternoon, but the sun was still nowhere to be found in the white winter wonderland. I heard screaming children sleighing down the hill of snow across the street. I also heard some bells in the distance, and some practicing carolers. My mind wandered off, thinking about what was going to happen when I got back home. I could almost taste the cookies, eggnog, and the warmth the hot chocolate would bring. Taste buds distracted my head from the temperature of the white sheet covering the landscape, though I thought the white sheet could use a few blankets.

On a rainy spring evening, I decided to take a walk. My raincoat and hat weighed me down, but it was still lighter than my winter outfit. The clouds were drizzling down, but the sun still was big and bright, a sight that I had missed. I saw a robin grab a twig and fly up to the tree. She was making a nest; so maybe in the summer she will have eggs and babies. The smell of mud filled the air, along with the smell of roses, daisies, and every other flower in the town. I was thrilled to see the bare trees start growing buds –– pink, white, and even baby blue. The world was becoming a warmer place, a greener place, but whatever season it became, it would always be beautiful.

The author's comments:
A pretty piece about the seasons and each of their qualities, positive and negative.

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