The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

May 22, 2011
By Jcuz10 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
Jcuz10 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The game was played by many, but enjoyed by all. All the people who played the game were very good at the game, but when it came to winning the game nobody could do that. People tried every trick to win. Everyday more and more people started losing the game. When the game first started nobody knew how to play but one man told people how to play and the game grew the be the biggest game in the world. There is no winner to this game, but everyone loves to play it. If you lose the game you can come back into the game but there is no chance of winning the game if you ever start playing the game. Just by reading this story you will lose the game. If anyone mentions the game you lose. It is impossible to win the game if you play the game. One time one man beat the game. He lived his entire life not knowing how to play the game or even what the game was. He was the only man on earth not to play to game, and he won. Everyone was jealous of him and was surprised that anyone had won. After he had passed away no one played the game anymore in his honor. He was the ultimate champion of the game.

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