Ballet Song | Teen Ink

Ballet Song

April 8, 2011
By Sierra Mullins BRONZE, Jacksonville, Oregon
Sierra Mullins BRONZE, Jacksonville, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In imitation of “Shaman Song”by Uvavnuk

The limbering movements
awaken me, warm my limbs,
like cold water being gently heated.
Ballet's demand is flexibility
to warm me, stretch in me,
and this sleepy body of mine is aroused.

The precise exercises
alert me, quicken my reactions,
like an eye fluttering shut at the sound of a sudden clap.
Ballet's requirement is rapidness
to alert me, punctuate around me,
and these working muscles of mine are sharpened.

The organized technique
teaches me, instructs my body,
like a teacher whose answers are trusted.
Ballet's order is surrender
to teach me, discipline inside me,
and these uncertain reactions of mine are remedied.

The brilliant freedom
matures me, frees my joints,
like a colt who has learned how to run.
Ballet's wish is fluidity
to mature me, feel through me,
and this longing heart of mine is given hope.

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