Just Dance | Teen Ink

Just Dance

April 2, 2011
By Jessi_and_him_6.6.11 BRONZE, Keller, Texas
Jessi_and_him_6.6.11 BRONZE, Keller, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you're only in trouble if you get caught" Aladin

The music began to play. Her pulse got faster. 4,000 people were about to watch her give it all she had. She began to dance. It was as if the music talked to her. The movements she made came naturally. The song set had three hip hop songs.

“Go, Sammy! You got this!” Her boyfriend Kale cheered her on. She smiled.

One song went by. Then two. The third song was almost over. Everyone was cheering for her. She shot Kale the ‘I’m gonna do it’ look.

“Sam, no!” But it was too late. The base shook and Sam went to flip. She kicked her right foot over herself and got both feet off the ground. Unfortunately, she didn’t plan her landing too well. She missed her chance to land right and landed on her neck.

Everyone in the audience gasped. Kale ran to Sam’s side. She was still breathing.

“That didn’t go as planned.” She softly giggled.

Kale scoffed. “I told you not to try that flip, baby. You weren’t ready.”

“Help me back up. I wanna finish.” She lifted herself up. Kale said ‘Pick up the track’ and ran off the stage. The music picked back up again. She danced her planned dance and finished in the splits.

“Samantha, why did u get back up after such a serious fall?” the reporter was curious.

“I’ve been waiting my whole life to get here. I’m not gonna let a small fall stop me from achieving my dream.”

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