Crazy 13-Year-Old Kid Driving | Teen Ink

Crazy 13-Year-Old Kid Driving

February 15, 2011
By hhuertas BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
hhuertas BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 10:00AM in Guatemala. The USA time would be 12:00PM I had been Guatemala for a week already. My uncle and I were standing in front of his house. I was looking all around and all I saw were his car, dirt and a lot of people walking. So my uncle started to talk to me how Guatemala is so bad. He stated to tell me that there were people getting killed for cell phones, or as killed as like $200. Also kids were able to drive cars. So I started to think to myself, I hope he ask me if I want to drive his car. So he started to look at me and laugh He said to me “I would to talk to your parents first.” So he called my dad and my dad said, “Yes but long you are able to drive. So my uncle asks me if I want to drive.

I was looking around trying to think about if I should I drive or not. But in on the other hand my grandparents would get mad because I would be driving. So I stay thinking yes or no. So my uncle started to say this is your only chance to drive Hector.
“Yea but what is the age to drive here because in New Jersey is 16 with a parent.”

“Well hear in Guatemala most people don’t follow the rules, there are kids working and diving at age 9.”

“Okay okay what would you say to the cops if they stop me driving!”

“Well hear in Guatemala you would give the cop, some money and they would let you go.”
Also you can pass a red light and they wont say something or also you can overlap car.

So finally I said yes, so I got in to the car and started to dive and look all over the place. I was so scared my hands were all wet because of thinking what would people say. So my uncle said to me how do I like it so far its cool I wish this would happen in the USA let kids drive once a week. So my uncle said to me stop looking all over the place. Because you are going to cause a car crush. So ones he said that I got scared to keep driving so I stop the car to tell my uncle I think I’m not going to keep driving no no keep driving just keep your eyes on the road.

So I kept my eyes on the road it felt really cool to see how everything looks behind the wheel. Also my Aunt was at the bank and once she saw me she got scared. She called my uncle and said to him,
“Are you nuts letting hector drive?”
“No its okay I asked his dad and he said yes but be careful and don’t drive to fast.”
“Okay whatever.”
When we where passing the bank I saw my other grandparents and they also got really scared because they saw me driving so they called my uncle and they told him,
“I’m sorry but your son hectors dad said he can drive my car”
“OOOOOO I’m really sorry I thought his dad didn’t know”
“It’s okay and I will bring him and his sister to you later”

So I kept driving and he told me stop when you get to your uncles gas station and we will get gas to go somewhere else before your aunt and your sister get ready. So I stop for a second just to go to the bathroom because I would not wait 5 miles more.
“There is a bathroom next block.”
“Okay thanks”
I kept driving and there was an intersection and there was crush so my uncle said

“You better see both ways because I don’t to get hit.”

Right when I turn the corner there was a cop came around and they ask me how old was I and before they said that my uncle said here is 75 bucks. Just when the cop saw the money in his hands he left.

“That’s how people do that in Guatemala”


“Wow that crazy how he saw money and left.”

“Yea its crazy.”

So I was coming close to the gas station and but before getting there, A bus was coming around the corner but it was coming to slow. So my uncle said hurry up dumb bus and I asked him,

“Can I over lap cars.”

“Yes you can”
So I overlap him and my uncle said okay that was okay for first time.
“Can I get something to eat and drink?
Yes but some thing small because we might go eat somewhere in Xela. So we stop and got something small to eat.

I was getting board and we got to an other intersection and there were people crossing the street. A little bus was coming again but this time there was a red car with black and it passed the red light and stops the mini bus and the two guys had two guns and my uncle said,
“Don’t go on green there’s going to be a shoot out.”
“Should I get the bullet proof vest?”
“Yes get it because in case.”

“Uncle where is it.”
“Its in the back seat.”
So once I turn around I hear a gun go off and I said ooh my god please don’t shot at us. So my uncle said “go around quickly so I stared the car again and pot my foot on the pedal and stated going. The red car with black was still there shooting at the bus. My uncle said just go forward and don’t look back at the guy because they could think we are going to ask for help so just turn next block.

Finally I got to the other intersection but the same thing happen with a small car was taking forever to pass bye. So my uncle told me let the small car go bye, because we have time to wait. “Okay.”
Right after the small car passed by my uncle told me now you can go. So I look both ways and I turn and put my foot on the pedal. After a few seconds my uncle told me, “Now you can speed up because there are no cars coming.”
So I speed up to 25 MPH. My uncle told me “This is slow compared to what I do on this road.”

“I was so happy because I was able to drive for the first time with my uncle and that I had didn’t mess up his car.” I told to my self.
Next thing you know I had hit a car for the back my uncle said “WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN”

“I’m sorry I had mess up your car but are you okay.”

“Yes I okay and sorry I yelled.”
So my uncle got out the car and thank god it was a little mark on the bumper because of how slow I hit it but when I hit it I thought it was going to be big because I was going 25 MPH. So the other guy was like it was my fault because I had stop out of no where so the guy give my uncle like 40$ to fix the bumper and my uncle give him 100$ because I had mess up his back bumper. Thank god it not a big deal because if not I would have got in trouble with my parents and my uncle and aunt.

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