Ranch Boy | Teen Ink

Ranch Boy

February 7, 2011
By Anonymous

Last summer I was in Missouri. My dad`s boss owns a ranch that we get to go to every summer. That year I was finally big and old enough to have fun on the ranch.
There are six cabins along the main dirt road. Across the road is the lodge. That’s where my dad`s boss stays. About a quarter mile down the road is the bunk house. That’s were guest stay. When we go out to the ranch, my dad get cabin 5 and 6. Those are the two closest to the Lodge. My sisters share cabin 1. That’s the one closest to the bunk house. Behind the cabins is a 5 acre lake. And a 10 acre lake is behind the lodge. At the bunk house the road goes right and down a hill into a forest. If you keep going about another mile or so down the road, you will run into two more cabins that are bigger than the cabins by the lodge, but not as nice. If you go left you will go onto a city road (still a dirt road) and you can access the entire ranch from there. His land is not all in one piece. If you go right from the two cabins you will wind up at one of the fields were we tag the cows.
The best way for me to get around was by ATV. The first day we were there I got up at 6am (5am in Utah) and rode off to the field to help with the cattle. I think we had to move 300 head plus 150 new born. We had to tag all 450 head. On top of that we were getting 15 African bulls that day at noon. We had two trailers that could take 15 head a time. The part that made it hard was the field we were moving them two was 10 miles away. Most of the day I was tagging the cows or going five miles back to main area to get more tags.

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