Lost and Found | Teen Ink

Lost and Found

December 14, 2010
By Anonymous

Lost and Found

Jessica, 12 years old
Tasha, 12 years old
Al, in his 40’s

Lights turn on and Jessica is sitting on the step of

her back porch with blood running down her arm, a blood stained shirt, and a ripped sleeve.
(Trying to hold back her tears)I was startin to think that you weren’t comin.
Tasha starts walking toward the porch.
Girl, I’m here at the same time every…
Tasha approaches the step of the porch.
Oh my god! What happened?
It was Leroy again, Tash.

Oh my God! (Sits down next to Jessica) I’m sorry. Why didn’t you call me?
It just happened right now. I was just layin in my bed tryin to finish up that reading that Mrs. Williams gave us, but then he came in and started messin with me again. He just laid down on me.
Jess, I’m so sorry. (Looking back at the house, she lowers her voice.) Did anything happen?
No, I wasn’t about to give in this time. I mean yeah he was trying to sweet talk me or whatever you wanna call it, but he was so drunk, or high, or somethin that I couldn’t even understand a word comin out of that man’s mouth. Then he started rubbing my leg and all that again, but I’ve had enough of that so I got up and yelled to leave me alone.
(Tasha grabs onto Jessica’s arm where she was hurt). But then how did this happen? (Let go of Jessica’s arm)
Well, I ran and grabbed the phone and was actin like I was about to call the police. I was just tryin to scare him though. But then he threw one of his broken bottles at me and said he’s all I got. I think after that he was tryin to say that without him I wouldn’t have anybody or anything, but I couldn’t really understand what he was sayin.

Jess, you have to tell someone about this! You should come live with me and my grandma until things get worked out.
He won’t let me leave, Tash. (Begins to tear up again) There’s no way out!
(Lowering her voice)Why don’t you just runaway? It’s not right what’s goin on!
Girl, you know that can’t happen. All the runaways around here are found dead the next mornin somewhere out on these streets. It’s not safe out here. So, I’m stuck here… (Takes a deep breath) All alone! (Jessica begins crying and looks and reaches toward the sky.) Why did you leave me here with him, momma? How could you love this man? I know you said you and daddy didn’t love each other anymore, but why LeRoy? Look at what he’s done to me! I don’t know what to do! (Puts down her arms)
(Puts her arms around Jessica) You’re going to be alright. She’s watchin you from up there.
I don’t know, Tash. (A slight pause)You know, I wonder where my real daddy is. He hasn’t been around since the divorce, and I was just a little girl back then, probably about four or five.
You miss him huh?
(Jessica shrugs her shoulders and looks down.)I don’t remember him that well, but I always dream that me and Leroy are fighting, and then he comes in and rescues me. But then I wake up, and the fantasy is over. I just really wanna get away from LeRoy before he really hurts me. I’m kinda scared, Tash.
(Grabs Jessica’s hands) Jess, look at me. You gonna be alright! I always got your back.
Thanks girl. I don’t know what I’d do without you. (Pointing out in the distance) You see that?
Yeah, that car is comin fast. It’s gonna crash or somethin.
That can’t be good! Come on, we gotta get out of here!
Jessica and Tasha begin to stand up because they are frightened by the car, but before they can get away Tasha gets shot in the neck. The car zooms by, and the lights dim.
(Reaches down for Tasha)Tash! Tash? Stay with me girl!(Jessica begins to cry hysterically, and check for a pulse.) Help! Someone call 911! Tash, don’t leave me now! You hear me? Tash? (A slight pause, then leans over and kisses Tasha on the cheek.) I’m gonna find who did this, don’t you worry. They won’t get away with it. I got your back. (Tasha is shaking and crying hysterically.)
The lights go off for about ten seconds. Then, the lights come back on. Jessica is sitting on the step of her back porch, but now she is pregnant.
(Jessica looks and reaches toward the sky.) Well Tash, it’s been three years. (Puts her arms down, but is still looking up in the sky) Three years ago today we were sittin here together and you were taken away. And I still don’t have any answers, but just wait I’m gonna find him. He’s not getting away with it. I still got your back. (Looks down, and then looks back up in the sky) I shoulda listened to ya girl. I shoulda just runaway. (Jessica puts her hand on her stomach and begins to cry.) Yeah, he did this. It’s been a few months now, and he still won’t take me to the doctor. He doesn’t wanna get in trouble when they find out it’s his. What am I supposed to do with a baby? I’m 15! Who’s gonna help me, Tash?
Al makes his way up to the porch.
(With attitude) May I help you?
(Approaches the porch)I knew you’d be here. Can I…
(Jessica interrupts)Who are you and what are you doing here?
My name is Al. Please, can I sit down?
(Jessica begins to get angry) Sit down? I don’t even know you! Why don’t you just…
(Al interrupts) It was three years ago today. I’ve been trying to come and talk to you every year on this day, but I couldn’t find the strength to tell you.
(Jessica sounds weak) What? Wait, who are you?
I was there when it happened. When your friend was killed…
(Jessica interrupts)Wait a minute, you…
(Al interrupts) Please listen to me. I was in the passenger seat when your friend got shot. I know what happened, and you deserve to know too. That’s why I’m here. (Al sits down) I’m not here to hurt you…just give you some answers.
(Jessica begins to cry) I’ve been waiting three years. Please…tell me what happened? Who killed her?
I was at the bar with my friend, Shawn, and we both had been drinking. Then, Shawn started looking anxious and like he was about to cry, and told me that we had to go. I had no idea why or what was going on, but he looked upset so I got in the car with him thinking he was going to take me home. When we were in the car he started swearing and just lost his mind. I tried asking him what was wrong, but then he pulled out a gun from under his seat. At this point I was scared for my life, so I yelled at him to pull over, and I was trying to calm him down. Look kid, there was nothing that I could do. He just stuck his gun out the window and shot your friend.(Al reaches for Jessica’s hands to comfort her.) I’m so sorry sweetie. You should know that your friend wasn’t the only one who died that night. After she was shot he pulled out his cell phone, looked at it, and shot himself. I lost my best friend that night too.
(Jessica is crying hysterically) Why Tasha? What made him do it?
I picked up his phone after he shot himself to see what he had been looking at. I saw a message from his wife saying that she was with Lisa, and that their marriage was over. At first I didn’t understand the message, but later on I learned that Lisa was a woman who he was having an affair with. His wife found out when Lisa showed up at their house when we were at the bar. Apparently Lisa told his wife everything, and Shawn couldn’t handle it. So he went crazy, and…
(Jessica interrupts)I don’t need to hear anymore. Thank you for telling me. I’ve been thinking about it ever since. (Jessica looks up into the sky.)Finally after all these years we got some answers, Tash. (Jessica puts her head down and begins to cry again.)
I’m so sorry. Is there anything that I can do for you?
No, you’ve done enough. (Jessica looks up at Al. They make eye contact for a few seconds.) Sorry, I’m not trying to stare, it’s just…
(Al interrupts) No I’m sorry. It’s just you look like someone I know…a little younger though.
Yeah, have we met? (Jessica is looking into Al’s eyes)I feel like I know you from somewhere…what’s your last name?
Wait…Safford? (Jessica looks as if she is frozen, and is starring into Al’s eyes.)
Yeah… (Al looks confused, and is starring into Jessica’s eyes.)Wait, what is your mother’s name?
Momma passed away awhile ago. Her name was Gina…
(Al interrupts) Oh my god! Jessie? Baby is that you?

Al wraps his arms around Jessica and kisses her on the top of her head. The lights go out.

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