The Rainbow in Stormy Skies | Teen Ink

The Rainbow in Stormy Skies

November 8, 2010
By Anonymous

In a world of winter grey, you dressed yourself like a sunflower. Color and nonconformity were always your things. But it was more than just your harlequin hairstyles and the “sign of the horns” etched into the skin of your neck; you were the only bold one in a sea of cowards, the only one who could light up a room with her confidence and spirit. Even when your mother died you filled my life with laughter, when your world was crumbling beneath you and the landlord turned you out, you were the rainbow in stormy skies. Yes, you were strong and that is why you were different, that is why I loved you. Still, I never dreamed unconventionality would lead your car down the wrong side of the highway.

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