me,myself, and that dawning moon | Teen Ink

me,myself, and that dawning moon

June 2, 2010
By RhiannonT.F GOLD, Maple Valley, Washington
RhiannonT.F GOLD, Maple Valley, Washington
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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best be alone then in bad company- bengamin f. dont test the dept of water with both feet-plato gerd your loins-devil wears prada i know this town like the back of my hand...*looks at hand* thats new!-Robots

smiles show on faces, ones happy, ones not, ones you cant tell what there feeling. and when you see that your seeing there mask. the one i use all the time. the one you wear not only when your having a bad day but when youve had many,the one you ware not when you feel alone, but when you feel lost. the one i know so well, the one that soon cannot be removed. the one that can only cover so much until the sadness that seeps out of your flesh disolves the plastic and fakeness of it all. till its gone and you have to search your pockets for the 5 more cents to buy a new one. the 5 cents you dont have and wont be foregotten. but some, some masked men and woman have practiced and theyve learned to create there own like me and can continue to rapair any broken maskes, any thinning serface,any torn. these maskes have been decorated and soon arnt just maskes but has transfored into armor. battle ware. the one you can only see when ones unsettled or defensive, when one like me has cried.

The author's comments:
i know and i understand. and it is real!

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