Antigun lines 815-880 | Teen Ink

Antigun lines 815-880

May 25, 2010
By kramerica BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
kramerica BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Antigun, lines 815-880


Subject: take it down a notch.


Ur doing a fantastic job ruling, I mean probably the best ever. U changed some things up and that is great: its just u may have gone to fair with this one. Antigone just wanted to see her brother have a proper burial. What if tht was u lying there? Just think about it. What Antigone did was noble. She deserves to live! There is no way u should be able to punish her w/ death… Oh but ahh umm… I am so happy for u because u caught her. U caught the girl u have been raising since Oedipus died. Still great job, u are doing a fantastic job! (Do not get mad at me!)

Ur pride and joy,



Subject: Who do u think u are?!?


As ur father, I am not about to have u sass me. You are not about to tell ur wise, kingly father what he should be doing. Look at urself, u r just a little kid. I have no time for u and ur ridiculous comments. I know what is best for this city: I am the city! If u do not like it, u can get out. As for Antigone, I do not care who she is or if I am her guardian. She committed a crime, and that crime is punishable by….DEATH!!!

I am already mad: there is nothing u can say tht will make me any happier. U spoiled little….ahhhh. U are so grounded for the next week, no T.V., no video games, NO NOTHING!

The one with the final say,


Subject: Tht is totally unfair!


U are being so dense tht u can’t even see past ur own face! U are being completely irrational, and there is no place for u as a king. Ur temper is the best way to show this, yelling… at ur own son! All I am trying to do is be reasonable, but, no, u have to completely block out everything I say. I wonder if u could even repeat what I said earlier this morning. U never listen to me. Jez! What happened to u? U have changed so much since Oedipus left. I wish he was still here because if he were, we would still be a happy family. You have become so corrupt it’s not even funny. Do u even care tht I am suppose to marry Antigone?!

The one with common sense,



Subject: Guilty!


I am done w/ u and all ur whining. She committed a crime and now she is suffering her consequences, Simple as tht. U obliviously don’t care about the future of Thebes or becoming king. My temper is what helps me to be a fair, just ruler, but u won’t understand what that means. It takes a lot of work to be a ruler. Yes, it changes a man! Again, who are u to question the supreme authority of Thebes? Maybe u should be dying along w/ Antigone. U r so corrupt and horrid, it will be easy to punish u as an accomplice to Antigone. U will never marry tht horrible woman while she is alive!

The truly wise one



Subject: now u have gone to far!


U r truly corrupt with all of ur power. U need to listen to others and take their advice. But u can’t do tht, can u? U could give it out all day, but whenever it comes back to u, u just get mad. Frankly, I’m tired of it. Everything u say has no meaning because u r almost always talking out of anger. I wish u weren’t my father because I would give u a piece of my mind!

Now angry son



Subject: What have I done?


U r just a small, stupid boy, what do u know? U probably still cant tie ur shoes by urself. Guess what? I don’t need u, and I don’t need anyone else because I am king and king alone! J. U have just stupid thoughts.

Ur king



Subject: Insults! Rly?


U don’t have the right to insult me! U r the lowest of the low!

Ur true king



Subject: How do I put this lightly?


Ur insults will never hurt me! For trying to hurt the king there will be consequences. Lets see how u like having ur wife to-be die at ur side! Look into her eyes as she dies! Mwhahahahahaha.

The punisher



Subject: u cant do this!!!


I will never let her die at my side. U don’t have control over me! I am gone like the wind, baby!

…….already gone


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