Minerva Writes Poems | Teen Ink

Minerva Writes Poems

March 29, 2010
By taylor hazelwood SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
taylor hazelwood SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kelly and Audrey were the two sisters that didn’t get along very often. Same deal everyday. They fight. In a way they couldn’t help it, they just don’t agree on much. Both are interested in different things, and when we try to do things together things just don’t end well. But for once it seemed different than the previous times.

Kelly would be leaving for Miami soon for college, and Audrey would be left back in Chicago by herself. They decided to go into the city and have a shopping day. The sisters started out well, laughing and getting along, nothing seemed to go wrong, and for once they seemed like they were close. The day though was coming to an end, and Kelly wanted to get back before it got dark. Both Audrey and Kelly weren’t good with directions and finding their way back home; especially at night time. The girls walked back to their car, and everything was good. Listening to music, talking, and resting after the long day of walking and shopping.

As the girls got closer to their home town, things went down hill. Kelly took a wrong turn. Both girls were freaking out. They had no idea where they were, and couldn’t tell which way was right. Audrey was yelling at Kelly. She had tears coming down her face. With Audrey yelling in her face, Kelly, didn’t know how to react other than how she usually does. Yells right back. After the day of laughing, having fun, and actually acting like sisters, it all came back to the way it usually was. Both Audrey and Kelly didn’t know what to do or how to handle the situation. Kelly, now what are we going to do? Either you or I have any idea where we are, and seriously this is just ridiculous! I knew this wasn’t a good idea, to do something together. No matter what we do you always mess it up somehow.

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