The Letters I'll Never Send | Teen Ink

The Letters I'll Never Send

March 13, 2010
By Tara-Kat BRONZE, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
Tara-Kat BRONZE, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear James
February 1st, 2010

Did you ever notice, that the more you say sorry, the less it means? I mean, why should you even be saying sorry? You shouldn’t. Not unless you step on my toes while we’re dancing, or maybe even pulling my too hard while playing with my hair. Sorry shouldn’t have to be said a trillion times a day.

With Love,

Megan (Your girlfriend, remember?)


Dear James,
February 7th, 2010

Thanks for forgetting my birthday.

With less love than before, but still more than my geeky lab partner,



Dear James, February 13th, 2010

Thanks for totally ditching me at the café. Oh, and as an extra touch, I’m proud to defend you and say your phone “died” I mean, it did. Right?

You’re getting dangerously close to Jason, my lab partners, love level


Dear James, February 21st, 2010

Way to make it up to me. I love being honest with you. But, wow, let’s contradict ourselves, children. When you say, “There was this girl I used to talk to during the summer, my cousin gave me her number, but ever since we got together she’s been out of the picture.” Well, don’t you remember? We got together before summer!

Wow, Jason’s starting to look nice.



Dear James,
March 6th, 2010

Ha! Ha, ha, ha. I adore your threats! They’re amazing. You know you don’t just say this stuff because it “comes to mind” not after it happens three times!

Jason is out-ranking you!



Dear James,
March 9th, 2010

We’re over. You’re clingy and annoying and all we do is fight. I hope you enjoy controlling other peoples’ lives!
P.S. – There is someone else, you remember Jason! ;)


The author's comments:
This is a sort of humorous approach to a breakup I recently had, I hope you like it.

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This article has 1 comment.

. said...
on Jan. 9 2012 at 3:42 pm
This is so cute! Love It!!