Daughter of a King | Teen Ink

Daughter of a King

March 12, 2010
By CrazyNcPandaLov3r BRONZE, Eddystone, Other
CrazyNcPandaLov3r BRONZE, Eddystone, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She stands on the balcony, leaning over the railing. Her head rests in her hands, mouth puckered in thought. Below her, the rays of the afternoon sun shine on the tiny enclosed patio. She sighs, taking in the delightful aroma.
But this girl is very much troubled. She isn’t just an ordinary girl- She’s Princess Shahzadah*, daughter of King Ranganatha**. If we look closer, we see her fine array of smooth silks and a tiny tiara in her hand. She is taking her moment of peace from the frenzy and the busyness of preparations for the upcoming coronation. Her coronation. At only sixteen years old, Princess Shahzadah is ascending the throne.
She is afraid though. There have been rebellions against the kingdom by King Ranganatha’s sworn enemy, Prince Tasna. He is telling the people lies and making them bitter towards the truth. It is breaking the king’s heart. Even though he has the power to crush the rebellions, he chooses to allow the people the choice of free will.
More and more loyal subjects are disowning the royal family. The princess’s own best friend, Tyabre, betrayed her and became caught up in Prince Tasna’s lies. Shahzadah had entrusted her best friend with her secrets, sealed with their unbreakable “sister’s” promise. Her best friend had changed so much. All of those precious secrets were spilled to everyone, and the princess was humiliated. Tyabre had even laughed in her face about breaking the “sister’s” promise. She didn’t care anymore.
“There is no right and wrong; that’s just for you goody-goody people. The Prince says that King is a narrow-minded fool.” At this, she had run back inside the castle, into her father’s arms and cried.
It seems like her whole world is falling apart. Then she turns and sees her father, the king.
“Listen to me, my daughter. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for your kingdom, in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Never forget that.” He wraps his arms around her in a bear hug, and she finds strength and certainty to keep going. Then the princess lifts her head high, turns to her father, and says, “I know that I don’t have all the experience, but I will follow in your footsteps and learn as I go. I’m ready.”

The author's comments:
I hope that you'll see the meaning in my story. Enjoy!

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