The missing puppy of emerson drive | Teen Ink

The missing puppy of emerson drive

March 19, 2010
By sprggy BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
sprggy BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One hot summer day in August two girls named Ashley and Susan were splashing in the pool when they

heard their neighbor Mrs.HiggleBottom calling her puppy muffin."Muffin" said Mrs.HiggleBottom "Come to

moma!" While Ashley and Susan were walking toward her house they saw someone race out the gate with

the license plate i-love-pups. "LOOK SUSAN! there"s muffin in that person's car!" said Ashley. When

Ashley looked it was too late Muffin was gone. Ashley told Susan they needed to make some posters and

investigate." Ashley... I think we should at least tell Mrs.HiggleBottom that we saw muffin in a person's

car" Susan said worried. "We can't because she'll cry her eyes out" Ashley said.

The next morning Ashley and Susan were at the library. They were copying the poster the two girls had

made together last night. When they finished copying they had spent $30.00 for 256 copies of their

original poster.

Later that day Susan asked her mom to drive her around the city to post the posters on the poles on

poles and bulletin boards in offices. When Mrs.HiggleBottom saw the posters she was crying hysterically

in her house.Soon Ashley and Susan decided to go for a walk to the park.

On their way to the park they saw a dog that looked exactly like muffin."Aww... can we pet your dog?"

said Ashley. "Sure" said the lady walking the dog. While Ashley and Susan were petting the dog they saw the

collar and on it, it said: Muffins belongs to Mrs.HiggleBottom : if found please return to 2056 Emerson

Drive Palm Bay FL, 32907. "Excuse us " said Ashley. When they were on the other side of the road Ashley

said "That's Mrs.HiggleBottom's dog, Muffin". Susan said that they would ask the lady where she lives so

they could visit the dog."Sure my address is 5352 Babcock road you can come over when ever you like." said

the unknown lady walking the dog, Muffins.

At 11:00pm Ashley and Susan put all the black stuff on that they could. They even cut out two holes on

black hat to make a mask and went to 5352 Babcock road to get muffins. When they arrived at the house

Muffin was out in the backyard and when Muffin saw us he started running around and barking."Ugh oh!'

said Susan softly. "There's the lady that took Muffin." said Susan. "QUIET!"said the lady and went back

to sleep. When they got over the fence they got muffin and hid him in Susan's garage with food and a bed

with newspaper down on the floor.

In the morning they took Muffin out of the garage and took him to Mrs.HiggleBottoms house."Oh!

thank you girls. Here's $20 each for finding Muffin." Mrs.HiggleBottom said happily. On their way home

they said "Mission Completition!" and played until the day was done.

The author's comments:
i had to do it for school

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