Dead And Gone | Teen Ink

Dead And Gone

October 30, 2009
By lizzikm GOLD, Rochester, New York
lizzikm GOLD, Rochester, New York
15 articles 1 photo 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You get ideas from daydreaming, you get ideas from being bored. The only differences between writers and other people is that we realize when we're doing it.

It was the rusted "Do Not Cross" sign that got my attention. Yeah, the old abandoned building made me look over at the gate, but the signs why I climbed the fence. "The buildings obviously abandoned, so why not?" it was Clark, my best friend and concience who put his hand on my back and gave me slight push toward the old gate. I turned back and smiled at him before making my feet climb up the untrustworthy iron gate.
"You better get your butt up this peice of crap too!" I yelled down at him. And (un)surprisingly the reply I got was "But the veiw is so good from down here!!" I swear to god I could hear the ear-to-ear smile spread across his face. "You little-!" and then I fell. Thirty feet, and a bloody mess later, I was dead, and so was the Clark I landed on.

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