Melody Résumé | Teen Ink

Melody Résumé

October 12, 2009
By of.winged.poets GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
of.winged.poets GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."-Oscar Wilde

This is my melody résumé. Hear the brain wave chords that hit the paradox moment. A climactic release of thoughts that aren’t dreams. It’s like falling into a damaged psyche and ending up in a schema of reality’s true meaning. Give it all away to sink in a fountain of word nectar that eats away in acidic form at your memory. It makes you let go of the edges of the rectangle and slide down a slope of notes that have had their points filed down to make shavings of metal punctuations. Staccato. Smoother than carbonation’s excited peaking moments that are scratchy in their release. This is a song that goes on and on and on, heels over head over the end into silence. It’s speaking to me in silence. The silence that says more than a hundred speeches and a million pictures. More than the lyrics. And it picks up again in a lightning streak of sound that leaves a crackling dance in the air with footsteps that lead to the optimal oblivion. Slower now, a stuttering oration that causes the heart to skip to the beat in a wild hopscotch of innocent abandon. Abandoned to finish the story without a guide and ending up lost in the dark recesses of the music. This is where it ends in a subtle expulsion of notes that are a kaleidoscope of rushing over each other to get there first but not stepping on each other’s toes. Then it’s done and it’s silent and this silence is quiet and the words don’t come back because you’ve already forgotten and you know you want it back, but it’s gone. So you have to remember or listen again, if you dare to give yourself over and over again.

The author's comments:
I was saving this file at school, and I saw a file titled Melody Résumé. This sort of flowed from there because I thought it was such an interesting idea.

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