Beach | Teen Ink


September 8, 2009
By lizzikm GOLD, Rochester, New York
lizzikm GOLD, Rochester, New York
15 articles 1 photo 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You get ideas from daydreaming, you get ideas from being bored. The only differences between writers and other people is that we realize when we're doing it.

A smile crept across my face as I saw the rising sun slowly appear over the ocean. It reminded me of th joining of water and fire. Made me wonder what would ever cause it and how to react. Does it truly cause stone formations? Or simply a solution that when combined with oxygen creates stone. Though fire would need the oxygen to burn, so I guess THAT experiment wouldn't exactly work out.....
I looked over to see a pair of eyes interlocking with my own. Had I said all of my thoughts aloud? Had this starnger heard my plans? She turned so I assumed not. Why would she watch me, if not hearing what I had said? Maybe my dress? I looked down and saw my tan arms disappear into the sort white sleeves and out of a skirt that flowed down to my kness my legs appeared that extended to my bare feet. It was a normal white summer dress. And there was nothing odd of my blue eyes or long deep brown hair. I looked back to where the stranger was sitting, but she had left. I looked at my dress again and thought aloud, "This isn't the dress I was wearing when I left the cottage! I wasn't even wearing a dress!" The girl who had been sitting on the rock appeared behind me, in the same dress, that I had not noticed before. Her hair was cut to a sort mohawk and her skin quite pale. Her turqouise eyes flashed as she chuckled. "Your dead you idiot. Your body's still lying on the rocks where you fell out of the tree. Thats the dress all female ghosts wear. the style is supposed to be creepy I guess. Well, see ya 'round" She said as she walked away.
"Wait!" I called out to her. "Whats your name?" SHe smiled as she turned around and called out "Janine."
I stood, dumbstruck. "See ya sis." I mummered as my older sister walked into the crowd of people on the road. She died 5 years ago in a car accident. Her boyfriend was texting on his phone while he was driving and ran a red light and a truck hit the car on the passenger side where she was sitting. She died he didn't.

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