What the Humming Bird Gave Us | Teen Ink

What the Humming Bird Gave Us

May 6, 2009
By Anonymous

Long ago, before man roamed the Earth, the animals and spirits ruled the world. For many years, they lived peacefully, but the She-spirit of the forest decided to test the animals and left without a word.
“The foolish She-spirit has left us. We are free,” said the slippery voice of the boa.
“That is true, we are free,” said the owl. “However, she was not foolish leading us. There must be a reason she has left.”
“Yes,” the lion bellowed. “She is bored with us.”
“No, she is to test us like this! Listen to the owl!” the small voice of the humming bird shouted. Unfortunately few heard him, and they paid him no mind.
“Do what you wish!” a now irritated owl said. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The next day, the Chief Spirit spoke to the Spirit of the Forest.
“Do you think it wise to just leave them?”
“That depends on your definition of wise, exalted one. Only the Owl and the Humming bird are wise and obey me when I left. The others are wise about how to hunt and survive, but they do not obey me, making them foolish.”
“So, you are aware of what is occurring.”
“Yes. And it is as I feared. There will be a punishment.”
“I have two punishments in mind. The first is a creature to rule over them, if that fails a cloak of darkness over the world.”
“Then I shall do that and in order as well”
So, she tried what we know as satyrs.
“All right you animals,” the satyr said. Obey me and we will have no trouble. Disobey and you shall be punished.”
“All carnivores kill him!” a blood thirsty vulture screeched.
“No! Leave him be,” the Owl said. “This is how we got in this mess in the first place!”
“Look,” the Eagle said. “I have pushed around all my life by spirits and I’m tired of it”
“If we obey whoever is leading us, then they will trust us enough to make our own choices!” hollered the Humming bird, but they paid him no mind.
“Let us do what we please,” said a now very irritated Eagle.
As the carnivores chased the satyr across fields and through woods, a shaft of light pulled him into the heavens.
“Dear humming bird, I heard your reasoning,” the owl said.
“Then why did you say nothing?”
“When ever you speak up, it’s to late and does no good”
“Very well, by the way, can you see in the dark?”
“As a matter of fact, I can. Why?”
“I think we shall soon see plenty of it.”

“Creatures of Earth,” the Chief Spirit bellowed in anger and frustration. “Most all of you have disobeyed us, for this, a cloak of darkness shall cover the Earth for ever.” After this was said, darkness fell over the world.
“You were right, small friend, we shall see plenty of darkness before we parish,” the Owl said. “As for the rest of you, you are stupid and ignorant for disobeying the She-spirit of the Forest!”
“We are very sorry, wise Owl, forgive us,” said the multitude of animals.
“I am not the one to apologize to. The Spirits deserve your apology, but it is too late for that. One of you must try to remove the cloak.”
“Why us, why not you?”
“I am too old to fly that distance.”
“I can’t,” the Eagle said. “My wings could get tangled in the cloak.” Several other raptors said similar things.
“I will go!” yelled the humming bird, louder than before.
“You?” the kestrel said. “You’re smaller than me, and that’s small.”
“I will go!”
“Your beak is only good for drinking nectar, so how can you pull of the cloak?” the falcon said.
“I am going, and there will be no two ways about it!” With that being said, he bolted towards the cloak. Faster and faster he flew, faster than ever before. The there was a slight crack and… only his beak punctured the cloak. Exhausted, he spread his wings and glided to his nest. Time after time he tried this until he realized that he must reserve his strength. For days he flew very little and rested for extensive periods of time until he was finally ready.
As he stood on the edge of the nest he looked up at the cloak, took a deep breath, and leaped off the edge, bolting to wards the pitch black sky. This time he went so fast his head went through.
Exhausted, and his wings aching, from his flight, he fell into unconsciousness. Now, because he was unconscious, he couldn’t glide to his nest, so he fell to the ground. His friend, the Owl, heard the thud and went to investigate. When he got a clear view, he saw his friend the Humming bird lying on the ground, dead. Filled with sorrow, he gently wrapped his talons around his friend’s dead body. With a new found sense of determination, he leapt up and started flying towards the cloak.
How ever, since he was old, he stopped at his nest and realized he would not reach the cloak.
“O friend,” the owl said mourning. “You were very brave to try what the others wouldn’t even think about, but you were too small. If only you could live again.”
Moved by the owl’s pleas and the humming birds sacrifice, he removed the cloak and revived the humming bird.
“But, I will punish the animals by leaving this cloak on for half the day”

Now, this light is what we call day, the darkness is what we call night, we call the places where the humming bird’s beak went through we call stars, and where his head went trough, we call the Moon.

The author's comments:
This story is great for campfire stories!;)

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