My Imaginary Friend | Teen Ink

My Imaginary Friend

June 2, 2009
By Brianna FLores BRONZE, Donald, Oregon
Brianna FLores BRONZE, Donald, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was little this little eight year old girl named Nikki came into my life. When she was two years old her parents gave up on her. Nikki and I met when I was born. When I came home from the hospital she was at my house. She told me that she would always be there for me. She makes me feel really special like if I was her sister that she never had.

When I need Nikki she is always there for me. When I leave the house at all times she is always follows me and she never leaves me. When we arrive at a place that we can have fun she wants to teach me because I have never played the games that my family likes to play before I was born. Nikki always wants to help me with the games. I really appreciate that because I had never had someone push me as hard as she does.

Nikki always tells me that she would always be there for me and I believe her a lot because I had never had a friend that cared about me as much as she does. I love Nikki when she says that because it makes me really happy and then I won’t be sad because I know that she cares about me a lot and she knows that I love her too for being my friend since I was a little girl. Nikki told her other friends that she loves me and that I’m her sister.

When Nikki and I are really bored with nothing to do we always find something to do even though it’s not as fun as doing something else. Nikki and I look around the house and the next thing we found was a lot of game boards in the closet. When we found those games we just started playing like crazy until we get done playing those games. When we finish one game we go on to another game and play so we don’t get bored. When we are all finished Nikki likes to cook for my parents before they come home from work so they can go to the table and eat and so they don’t need to cook anything they can just get home go to the table and eat there food that we have made for them.

When Nikki and I are done cooking for my parents she tells me to tell them to have a good dinner and enjoy what we have made for them and to see if they like the food that we have prepared for them. When Nikki is done telling me what to tell my parents, she asks me if we can go in my room and play the same games that we played like, Monopoly, Chess, Scrabble, and Sorry. We love to play those games because they are really fun and it keeps us focused from just watching television and just sitting on the couch and just watching the same shows that are on every single day and repeated like every single hour.

My family and Nikki love to go out to eat because we don’t like to cook when it’s like really hot so we just decide to go to Chinese restaurant or just go eat some ice cream or we just got to another relatives house and eat there because they like to cook when it’s really hot.

When we got home from going out to eat we came back home and Nikki asks me if we can go to the pool and swim. I had to ask my parents so I don’t get in trouble if I just go by myself. When I want to go to the pool I ask my mom and dad to go with my because I would never want to go to a pool without my parents. I would like to learn from my parents like what kind of tricks they did when they were little and they went to the pool. When I go to the pool I like to take my floaties and lie in the pool and get a sun tan or just sleep there and watch the sky and watch the clouds move. I love to watch clouds move because I love to describe what they look like or almost look like. Nikki always says that if she saw a monkey cloud that she would name it after me and then he could be my other friend because Nikki knows that I love monkeys a lot because when she came I told her what I love and she told me that she would get me a monkey if I wanted one.

Nikki even told me that if I wanted anything all I have to do is ask her and she said that she would get it for me. I told her that I would feel really bad if she got my something because I didn’t get her anything and I would be really mad at myself because she got something and I didn’t get her anything at all. Nikki always tells me that she will get me something. When I don’t get her anything I feel like I’m not a good friend that I’m supposed to be. I am a horrible friend to Nikki because I never buy her anything for being that best friend that I had when I was born. I love her to death and she will always be my friend because I never had a friend like her in my life. Ever since I was born we have been friends for 4 years and that history will always go on.

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