Willys ball | Teen Ink

Willys ball

May 27, 2009
By chance blowers BRONZE, Parkcity, Utah
chance blowers BRONZE, Parkcity, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was an elephant so big and wise. His name was King Darlington. Now, onto the real story. Darlington had son names Willy. Willy was very playful and loved big toys. Toys the size of mini vans. One day Willy went to his father and asked for a massive ball to play kickball with. So his father called Hasbro toy company and he a huge ball. The ball was the size of a palace. The ball was so big it blocker out the sun. Willy was pleased he ran to kick the ball when he hit it the ball did not budge. So he went to his father and asked for a smaller ball.

The author's comments:
its not reall people

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