Job Searching in Cell City | Teen Ink

Job Searching in Cell City

May 26, 2009
By Anonymous

Moving to Cell City had never seemed like a good idea to me. I knew I would miss my friends and the town that I adored. I loved everything about this place. Maybe I was just uncomfortable with change, or maybe it was a lot more than that.

My family, the Nutrients, had just boarded the submarine that would take us to Cell City. Our home had not been functioning right. The plants wouldn’t grow for the mitochondria to harvest and provide the rest of the town with food and energy. Now, the whole town was dividing up, leaving to go different places. I wanted to cry, but I held strong to set and example for my two year old brother, Kyle, who had no idea what was going on. I could tell my parents were very upset to. Two things happened. First, a loud horn sounded. Then, the doors to the submarine shut tightly. We were leaving.

Kyle was standing at the window, interested at the bright red river we were traveling in. Mom was asleep with her head resting on her pillow and Dad was reading, when I heard the splash of water. I knew we had reached the city. Kyle rushed on the harbor, slowly followed by me, Mom, and then Dad. I watched Kyle run to a golden gate with the words Cytoplasm Gate engraved into it. A jelly-like substance was around the gate. The only way in was through the gate. I quickened my pace as I went through the archway. I was so busy looking at the huge city that I didn’t notice a man dressed in all black dragging Kyle away. Mom screamed! In all the madness, I noticed a boy, only about 16, run and talk to the man. He brought Kyle over to us.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. “That guy is a worker for Mr. Brane. He controls who and what comes into Cell City. My name is Mit. What’s yours?” He nodded at me.

“Me? Oh, I’m Keri,” I stammered. It turns out that Mit knew the city well so he volunteered to take us to the endoplasmic reticulum train. Lots of boxes lay waiting for someone to load them on. Mit explained that there were proteins in the boxes. Mom, Dad, and Kyle climbed up into the first car going to Nucleus city, the center of the city. Mit asked if I wanted to see the town with him. I said that I would like that, and we walked back to the gate.

“In this city everyone has a job,” he started. “I haven’t found mine yet.”

We passed a couple of garbage men with Lysosome Incorporated on their forest green shirts.

“Look on the bright side, you could always work for them,” I giggled.

He smiled.

“I would be happy to help you,” I continued.

“Thanks! That would be cool, Keri!” he explained. “The first place we should go is to…. What?! Who are you?” The man who took Kyle had just come over.

“Excuse me. I overheard you. My name is General Somes. I am in charge of watching the border, or membrane, for intruders. We would love to recruit you,” he spoke with a sturdy voice.

“Thanks, I’ll… I’ll think about it,” Mit stated. We walked away. “Never will I work there. It has too many hours to work, and it’s a very nosey job.” We then took a small road to a factory. We went in and were greeted immediately by the manager.

“Hi, I’m Mr. Golgi. My family and I run this place called the Golgi Bodies. We package proteins that the ribosome create,” he said.
“I would like an application form please,” Mit responded.

Mr. Golgi looked delighted and rushed into a small room and brought out a form. “Thanks. See you later,” replied Mit. “Not there either,” Mit mumbled once we were out. We were running out of jobs. Mit was so desperate he went to a lysome, who was busy sucking up garbage into a large vacuum tank called a vacuole and asked for an application.

“I’m doomed!” Mit shouted. He sighed, “Sorry, I’m just so miserable. I really need a job.”

I had an idea. “Not yet!” I ran to the golden gate and stopped to wait for Mit.

“Where are we going?” Mit sputtered.
I didn’t answer, but I kept running. We reached the edge of the city and I found exactly what I wanted.

For the rest of my life Mit worked as a mitochondria. He loved providing the city with its food and energy. He remained my best friend in that city forever. I knew every thing would be alright after all.

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