2 Sandy Footprints | Teen Ink

2 Sandy Footprints

May 19, 2009
By Jamie Fritz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jamie Fritz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones that show where I’ve been. I am the only one that makes them. Two sandy footprints with five toes. Two that lay with others different from mine. Two temporary marks showing my path. From where I stand I watch them get swept away by the waters, but I make two more and continue my course.
Their significance is secret. They send gentle pulses through the ground. They point up and they point down and the waters charge over them and their faces glisten in the soft sunlight and never quit their whispers. This is how they remember.
Let one forget this reason for being, they’d all slip away like rocks in a stream, both washed away by wet. Remember, remember, remember footprints murmur as I pass.
When I am too dazed and too tired to remember, when I am a grain of sand pressed roughly against the ground. When there is nothing left to consider. Two who became despite rushing waters. Two who leave and don’t forget to come back. Two whose only reason is to remind and be reminded.

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