Reflection | Teen Ink


May 18, 2009
By MaddyAnne GOLD, Rancho Palos Verdes, California
MaddyAnne GOLD, Rancho Palos Verdes, California
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I found her in the mirror. She had frightened eyes, she always stared straight at me when I looked at her, but any other time she wouldn't dare glance at me.

She must have been so lonely, stuck in one place all the time. But I don't think she would leave even if she was given the chance. Because where she was, that was familiar to her, she was scared of everything else.

I sat in the bathroom with her, to keep her company, though I had started to wonder if it was really me she was keeping company. Our conversations were always one-sided; she'd never answer. At one point, I had wondered if she didn't want me there, but she always appeared when I came to see her; maybe anyone who would stay with her a little while was considered tolerable.

I decided to ask her why she never left her cramped, empty, transparent house. She had just stared, shaking ever-so-slightly. 'Because I'm scared' her eyes seemed to stay. 'Well I'm glad you haven't left me' I thought. She looked at me, relieved, but still wide-eyed and frightened.

Today I woke up, drowning in the hopelessness, the helplessness, suffocating on the calm that surrounded me. Shocking on the feelings I had forced myself to swallow like an anti-depressant. I needed to talk to her, at her, release my feelings into the empty space we always kept between us. I ran to her glass house, keeping the overwhelming feeling of loss in my lungs, just until I see her, I told myself.

I stood, staring into an empty mirror. The shock was sweat on the back of my neck. I banged on the mirror, holding my breath, holding in the fear, the hopelessness.

I tore the mirror off of the wall, trying to find something, anything. Her empty glass house fell and shattered at my feet.

The air around me was heavy, weighing me down, making me smaller. I sunk to the floor.

I let out the breath, the feelings I had been holding in for so long fell onto the floor and mixed with the broken glass.

The loneliness dropped, silent and salty, onto my trembling lips.

The author's comments:
One of the earliest stories (I guess you could call it that) that I have written. I really like it, and I hope you guys do, too.

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