Gaucho | Teen Ink


May 6, 2009
By tiempo10 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
tiempo10 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


It’s almost the end of the game. Boca Jr. vs. River Plate Its 1-1. There’s 1 minute in the game. Gaucho teammate passes it to Gaucho. Gaucho takes the shot and makes a top ninety degree on the goal. Gooooooalaso! For Boca Jr. the crowd is cheering for Gaucho. Everyone is yelling Gaucho, Gaucho. After the game this unsuspected stranger walks up to Gaucho and tells him:
“Hi, my name is Sergio Mendez.” Sergio says “I like the way you play. What’s your name?”
“Hi Gaucho” How would you like to try out for the International Team of Brazil?”
“Yes, I would like to”
“Tryouts start at 3:00 pm sharp tomorrow.”
“I’ll see you there” Gaucho is thrilled to tryout for the Brazilian Team. He goes back to his house and tells his girlfriend Yadhi the good news.
“Yadhi! I’m going to try out for the Brazilian Team!” Gaucho yells.
“Oh my God”! Yadhi says. Are you for real? "Yes" Gauch responds. Yadhi tells Gaucho to take lots of rest because you have to have lots of workings out tomorrow.

Next morning Gaucho is ready for tryouts. He's all excited and pumped up. It’s 3:00 and it’s show time. Sergio sees Gaucho and asks him if he is ready. Gaucho says that he is nervous, but yes. Gaucho goes to the field. He takes sprints and something hits him on his left leg. He feels this terrible pain in his thigh. He falls down yelling HELP! HELP! An assistant comes and helps him and they carried him to the hospital. He wakes up about nine pm, and asks the nurse "where am i?” You’re in the hospital. The doctor walks into the room Gaucho asks him “what happened to me?” “You tore your ACM.” Gaucho was frantic and disappointed at himself. The doctor said “you can’t play soccer for a while. You have to stay to stay in the cast for a year till then get some rest and you will be out the hospital soon”.

He finally goes back home and lies on the bed thinking of what he is going to do. For the next couple of months he starts practicing walking with his cast on. A year has gone by. Gaucho goes back to the hospital and gets the cast removed. He practices walking then running then kicking. Once he was ready he goes back to Coach Sergio and tells him “I’m ready to play for the team”. Sergio lets Gaucho tryout. Gaucho makes it and he gets the number ten on he’s jersey. He plays off with the team to win the world cup.

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