Character Memoir from the book In My Father's House | Teen Ink

Character Memoir from the book In My Father's House

May 22, 2009
By Anonymous

*Oscie Mason is talking to her Father about her leaving home

It’s almost as if I’ve never felt this way before. I love Thomas but it’s like I’m leaving the life I worked so hard to get. I never really did like that Will McLean but I’m closer to him know than I’ve ever thought I would. I walked out onto the portico to greet Daddy Will. I felt as though a big weight had been lifted. The war which felt like the turning point of my whole life was over and I was also able to see Thomas know. His family and I were going to get him from Fauquier County in a couple of days. But that meant that the weight was now backing up again because I had to ask Daddy Will permission to go. I don’t know if you would really call it asking but more like telling him that I was grown and it was time for me to move on. I was so worried about his answer. His fondness toward Thomas was not one to be noticed but this had to be done. I stepped to his side and as I asked him if I could go it was like I’ve never seen him this quiet before. The war had changed us all in some ways as it marked the end of my childhood. I think he realized it to. After he gave his answer I was quiet grateful. I knew how much we had both been through and I was not expecting the conversation to go the way it did. I was very beholden to him. I hugged him goodbye and went back up into the house as Maria was playing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. I knew we would both cry tonight but we must both learn to let go. It’s just how the world works.

The author's comments:
I want people to get a deeper look into the thoughts of Osice Mason a Character of the book In My Father's House.

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