my not-so-happy ending | Teen Ink

my not-so-happy ending

May 13, 2009
By persephone meier BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
persephone meier BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's hard... it feels like something is missing... some part of me... I tried being with someone that made me happy... but that made it worse... it's not as bad anymore... but if I don't stay occupied... it feels like im falling apart... I didn't know something so trivial could do so much damage... or cause so much pain in so little time... It's the worst thing thing that he hurt me beyond words... but if he wanted me back... i'd go back to him... even if my friends told me they wouldn't talk to me if I got back with him... I still would. Because they would get over it... but i'll never get over him.

My best friend told me it's not love, it's just an "emotional attachment"... but she is wrong... because what she said next hurt me almost as much as what he did to me... she said, "oh well, you may have loved him, but he obviously didn't care about you"...It hurt because I will never know if she's right... but it makes me feel better to think that maybe he did what he did because he loved me... because we always hurt the ones we love... even if we dont want to.

So just remember... I may look happy... but I will always hurt inside. forever. I was broken... no one can fix me, though they will try... and that is why I have a not-so-happy ending.

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