Flip-Flop | Teen Ink


May 9, 2009
By indiereads BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
indiereads BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

"You can do it flop!" Great my new name is flip now. I felt a wave of nervousness hit me. Should I try to skate on the school's ramp and risk getting in trouble? I knew what i had to do. I hopped on my skaterboard and flew on the ramp and did a flip. I felt amazing having everyone cheer for me. All that changed when i heard the principle call my name. I spent in hour in the office, when i finally found out that i was expelled. You should have say the look on my mom's face when she heard the big news. She looked constipated and furious at the sametime. Her face was hilarious for about three minutes. "Your going to live with your grandmother!" Hearing those words for once in my I was life quiet. In a week I'll be going to some private, preppy school in Boston. A few days later I was a my grandmother's house. I wore my black skull fitted tee and black skinny jeans. My grandmother always had this thing for dark and tight clothing."I hope you'll like the uniform she said." "Do I have a choice." "No not really." I couldn't belive I had to wear this uniform it looked like it was picked out my a blind sunday schoolteacher. I put on my uniform and thought to my self. I'm a thirteen year old skater girl. How am i supposed to go to a school with all preps! "You know you made a major flop in your life". I know grandmother". "Do you also know that you have to make a flip"?
Hearing my granmothers words I knew what I had to do. I went upstairs to my new bedroom and put on some black eyeliner and called up my crew. "My new name is Flip-Flop."

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