Nothing to Say | Teen Ink

Nothing to Say

May 1, 2009
By Elaine BRONZE, Derby, Kansas
Elaine BRONZE, Derby, Kansas
4 articles 7 photos 0 comments

When is a person so happy that they can’t express it? When can they not help but to be so overwhelmed with joy that nothing can describe it? I wonder if I will ever be that happy. I hear about it, see it on TV, but does it actually exist. Besides the supposed point of utmost joy seems to be able to be conveyed through the words “I love you”. Why does it seem as though people are only ever truly happy with another person that they “love”? It seems to me that a happiness so extreme as to be inexpressible would be the best. Perhaps a person can only feel that sort of happiness right before they die because after that feeling they have no energy to feel anything else. Perhaps, I will never reach that emotional high.

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