Man-Eating Fruits | Teen Ink

Man-Eating Fruits

April 29, 2009
By Timothy Alderman BRONZE, Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
Timothy Alderman BRONZE, Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Day One:
One day, an ordinary grocery store employee was walking in the fruits and vegetables isle, when a strange smell seeped its way through his nostrils. Then, glancing, he could see a slight, green haze. He was curious, so he studied the fruits more closely. He couldn’t comprehend what happened next. He could have swore he saw a kiwi inch closer to him. Overwhelmed, he ran to get the store manager. The employee tripped halfway down the isle. When the employee turned to see what he tripped over, he was hit over the head with a cantaloupe. The employee never checked out at the end of his shift. No one had seen him since he strode over to the fruits and vegetables isle.

Day Two:
A beautiful lady strolled in with a cart at the community grocery store. Walking next to her was her son. Her son had with him a bouncy ball. He loved his bouncy ball so much that if he lost it he would go ballistic. He dropped his ball and eagerly chased it to the fruits and vegetables isle. He chased it to a watermelon then couldn’t find it anymore. The boy never returned to his mother. The mother called “ Timmy!!!!” for a full five minutes. After no response, she turned to where she saw her son last, the fruits and vegetables isle. Approaching the fruits she saw her sons New York Giants hat. Crouching down to pick it up she saw a sleeve of his tee-shirt dislodged inside a watermelon. She pulled it only to get her hand bitten by a mouth that opened up on the watermelon. She felt a surge of pain going up her arm. She tried to scream, but her voice was shrouded by a loud car horn.

Day Three:
After looking over yesterday’s tape the head security officer called the store manager immediately. The manager ignored in disbelief, but after watching the video he called the cops. The store was quarantined and a S.W.A.T. team was soon at the scene. Five S.W.A.T. team members were sent into the building. Only one team member returned. He came out speechless and scarred-for-life. He couldn’t answer any questions. Not knowing what else to do they made an order to burn down the store.

Day Four: After burning down the store, customers felt relief. At 3:00, though, a missing person’s report was filed. A witness said he saw a pineapple in the windowsill then, after a minute, nothing was there.

The theme of the story is “Don’t play with your food, but especially don’t let it eat you”.

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