The Champ | Teen Ink

The Champ

April 23, 2009
By Anonymous

Tyler Summers, a senior at Mingus High school in Arizona. He’s a three-time Arizona state champion and captain of the wrestling team at Mingus High. Wrestling is a big part of his life; it has run in his family for a long time. He has been wrestling since he was a fourth grader and has a lot of love for the sport.

His goal at the beginning of the year was to go undefeated and come out of this season a four time state champion. Going into the state tournament he was very confident. He had thirty wins with zero loses. His first match was pretty easy, he had already wrestled the kid twice earlier in the year and had beaten him both time by a pin and a major decision. The first period begins; right away he gets in on a double and takes him down. Figuring he can just take him right back down he cuts the kid. Right away he goes for a low level single and takes the kid down straight to his back and pins him.

Going into the quarterfinals with a pin in the first round, Tyler was confident. He had wrestled this kid like three times during the season and either majored or pinned him. The match starts, about thirty seconds into the match Tyler takes the kid down. Right away the kid hits a switch and reverses Tyler to tie up the match at two. Tyler doesn’t panic and starts working for hand control. Once he gets control he stands up and gets away, right as he gets away he goes for a lateral drop and pins the kid with only a few seconds left on the clock.

After the quarterfinals victory, Tyler was now focused on the semi finals. He had only wrestled this kid one time before this match and he only beat him three to one. The whistle blows, there both being very aggressive and both taking a lot of shots but no one can get the others legs. Finally Tyler gets in on a single and takes the kid down to his back. The kid fights off hard for about forty long seconds to bring in into the second period. Winning five to zero Tyler decides to go down and try to get a reversal. Right off the whistle Tyler hits a switch but doesn’t get it then they end up going into a scramble. Tyler comes out on top and ends up getting the two points. The kid does everything he can to get out but is unable to score. Going into the third the kid chooses bottom. Riding hard Tyler try’s to turn the kid and finally does in an arm bar and pins him.

Going into the finals with three pins, Tyler was confident having been here three years in a row. His opponent, a kid from Safford High School. Both being undefeated with about 35 wins each. They shake hands and the match begins. They both start trying to set up some sort of offense. Tyler try’s to shoot a high crotch but doesn’t get it. His opponent reacts fast and try’s to reshoot but can’ seem to get his legs. After a long two minutes the buzzer sounds and the referee blows his whistle.

The coin flip goes Tyler’s way and he defers to the other kid. The Safford wrestler chooses down and get set to wrestlProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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Right away the Safford kid stands up and gets an escape. Right as he gets up Tyler starts pounding his head, he was hitting his head so hard the kid couldn’t even keep his head up. Right as Tyler stops the kid pulls his head up and Tyler shoots and takes the kid down. With only forty seconds left on the clock Tyler decides to stick the legs in and ride him out.

Going into the third period, Tyler is winning two to one. Because he deferred last round it’s his choice and he chooses bottom. The round begins and Tyler starts fighting for hand control. Down by one the Safford kid cuts Tyler thinking he can get a takedown to bring it into overtime. With forty five seconds left in the match Tyler circles around the mat hopeing he won’t be called for stalling. The Safford kid keeps charging and finally they call Tyler for stalling. With ten seconds left the Safford kid takes a horrible shot and Tyler gets behind him to win his fourth state champions

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