The Adventure | Teen Ink

The Adventure

April 21, 2009
By Samantha Wolfe BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Samantha Wolfe BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I were a crayon, I would be green. I would be green because that is my favorite color. Also, if I were a crayon I would hope I would never get used, so I don’t get small or, someone wouldn’t break me.

But, I wouldn’t just be an ordinary crayon. I would go all kinds of places. For instants, I would go to the rainforest. In the rainforest there would be lions and snakes. Even if I looked good to eat, I would blend in with the leaves.

Then, when I would come out of hiding, I would make a mistake. I didn’t know that there was a tiger right behind me. So, when I saw the tiger I started running as fast as I could go, but being a crayon I had really stubby legs, so I’m not very fast. I’m also really clumsy, so I tripped. When I was going to be eaten, a giant gorilla came out of no where and tackled the tiger. They were fighting very intensely by biting each other. At the end of the fight, it was the gorilla that was victorious. After that, I tried to run away but the gorilla got me and picked me up. When I was vigorously trying to get free, he snapped me in half and dropped me.

But, luckily I carried big bandages’ with me where ever I went. The next day, I was getting out of there as fast as I could. When I got back from the rainforest, I decided that I should just stay where I’m supposed to, in a crayon box forever.

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