Foot Prints | Teen Ink

Foot Prints

December 17, 2018
By whitneysteffel BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
whitneysteffel BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wind whips through the tall skinny trees. Leaves fall all around with every gust of wind. Humans from many years ago could have walked on the same dirt that my boot steps on. All the things I see in this forest have changed over hundreds of years. Countless foot prints made. Fortunately, the forest still stands.

As I walk in the woods, I try to take in as much as possible. The wide grassy path that I follow leads me further and further into the woods. No matter how far I walk I still feel safe. Tall trees on both sides of me act as a shield from the morning breeze. Dead leaves start to cover the brown grass as they fall from trees. Along the wide path are smaller paths branching off into the woods. I can see a couple of footprints in the muddy ground. I am not on this path alone; my classmates are beside me. However, the further we walk the more people start to branch off.

I find a location to write. I sit on a wooden path which is deeper in the woods. Around me are even more trees. When I look up, the trees become skinnier. Many leaves hang on the trees and many lay on the ground. Some trees are broken and lean on ones next to them. In front of me is a little swamp. Home to many different creatures that are not prepared for this cold. The sun is trying to peak from behind the clouds like a shy little kid. When the light of the sun touches my face it starts to warm back up. Smelling the fresh air, I feel safe.

I find my way back to the main path. This path reminds me of the journey of life. We leave footprints wherever we go. Everyone's life has some bumps and turns just like the trail. Although the trail is not perfect it leads me in a safe direction. Another thing that I notice along the path is arrows showing me the way to go. I could follow these signs or go my own way. God gives us arrows whenever we do not know which way to turn. He supports us all the time; however, he makes his presence known when we need him the most.

I walk off the path into the woods. Looking to my left, I notice a skinny broken tree. Only the bottom half remains. Trees that are among it, look down on this tree. It is a little kid at the playground. No one wants to be friends or play with her. However, the little broken tree is just as important in the woods as any that are beside it. When I look closer I notice sharp edges where the tree broke in half. It looks as if a storm came through and bullied this tree, leaving a negative footprint. In my life some storms have come through and left a footprint on my heart. Recently, I have been struggling with friends. I feel like no one wants to be around me. I try to hide my feelings by putting a smile on my face. I may look like everything is fine, but really I am the broken tree. When I think that I am alone I remember a poem that I first read in third grade. It talks about a trail and that there are only one set of footprints. And then a man asked God why he is not walking with him. God explained that he was carrying the man because it was a tough moment in his life. I do believe that God is always with me especially in the tough moments. I also believe that he brings these storms to make me stronger. The little broken tree in the woods is still standing, thanks to God.

I have always thought of the forest as home. Smelling the fall morning breeze and watching the leaves fall from the sky brings a sense of joy. I think about how many footprints have been made in the dirt. And the times in my life where God has carried me. In my life I want to make positive footprints as I move through this world. As years keep passing the more the forest gets destroyed. If the forest starts to disappear, I would want to disappear with it. Looking up, I see birds fly from one tree to the next. Trees dancing in the sky with every gust of wind.

The author's comments:

I was walking through the woods and decided to write.

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