Who is the Guy? | Teen Ink

Who is the Guy?

April 19, 2009
By Sarah Shepper BRONZE, Hatfield, Pennsylvania
Sarah Shepper BRONZE, Hatfield, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"I'm glad you came, Amy," he said.

She nodded her head and sat down in the generic wooden chair. She took a cursory glance over the small café, the warm brown colored walls giving it the homey feeling a café needed.

"Of course, John," she told him, crossing her arms and moving around in her chair slightly, as if she were uncomfortable. At that time, a waitress came over, her eyes meeting Amy's immediately, then slowly turned toward John.

"What can I get you two, our Starbucks coffee is on special," She told him.

"I'll have a coffee please," he replied. The waitress nodded her head and looked at Amy, who shook her head.

"Nothing, thank you," She said, looking as if she were trying to hide a smile. The waitress nodded and walked off. John sighed and looked at her.

"Amy, I called you Here to ask you something," he told her, his fingers tapped the table. Amy watched him for a moment, she nodded her head.

"Okay, then ask," He sighed.

"Is there someone else?" he asked.

The waitress had walked in at that moment, pausing for a second before placing his coffee down.

"Anything else I can get you before I go on my break?" she asked.

"No, we're fine," she stated. The waitress nodded and walked away.

"Amy, is there someone else?" he asked.

Amy sighed and ran a hand through her hair before nodding her head slowly.

"Yes, there is, I'm sorry John," she mumbled. John clenched his fist.

"But, why?" he asked. She shrugged.

"I don't know, I just don't think I like you anymore," she replied.

John watched as the waitress made her way past them and out the door, pausing in front of the building. He looked back at the brown colored table and nodded.

"I understand," he said.

She nodded and stood up.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Wait, Amy, just answer one question," he stated. "Who is he? Who is the guy?" he asked.

"John, what makes you think it is a guy?" she asked. Amy smiled and walked out of the café, stopping to give a quick kiss to the still waiting waitress.

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