The Gold Piece | Teen Ink

The Gold Piece

October 24, 2018
By KMLesniak GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
KMLesniak GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I walked around in my soul, plain and dark. There never was anything within, since I had given all I had away. But today, there was something new. On my heart's table in front of the window of my soul, I saw a box. Was it a gift? I walked over and looked at it. There is no way to open it, and there is only a hole big enough for your hand to fit in. Beside it, I see a note. Curious, I read it.
"Inside this quaint bin, there is a gold piece. You cannot pick up the box, you can only reach inside. If you decide to try and play this game, you will have 30 seconds to get it. You can back out if you wish, but you only get one try. Will you play?"
A golden piece? The one that make you feel nice? My eyes sparkled. I couldn't believe I was so lucky to even be able to play such an easy game with such a grand prize. I raised my hand and stick in the box. As soon as graze it around, my finger was sliced. I yelped and pulled out my hand. A small nick was on my index finger, and I soon begun to here ticking. I looked at the note that had a new message.
"Quitting so soon?"
I frowned slightly and shook my head, sticking my hand back in. I clawed and grasped around trying to find that small piece of gold. My head was swarmed with the noises of the timer, slowly counting down. Tear stung my eyes as I desperately grasped at each part of the box. I wasn't going to back down, I couldn't, I wouldn't! I didn't care if it hurt, I needed that piece! That piece would be my lucky charm, that would help me through it all. I checked every nook and cranny with my touch, the box piercing my skin as I did so. I felt that I had already checked each part a million times, but I still couldn't find it. As I was on my last hope, the bell chimed. Its loud, sonorous tune sounded throughout my soul, making the box vanish. look at my hand and held it. The limb was oozing warm red blood, millions of deep cuts covering it. My hand was so damaged, I couldn't even move or feel it anymore. After staring at my injury, I looked at the note that was now sprinkled in red.
"Silly. There was no gold piece."

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