My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 26, 2018
By aee19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
aee19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A European name meaning radiant, graceful, and brilliant. I was built off of Aine, a folktale queen, who was ‘the best-hearted woman who ever lived’. Like a flower that grows into a vibrant yellow daisy, innocent and untouched, I grow.  With variations of spelling and pronunciations, simply adding an ‘e’ or a ‘h’ can turn Anna into a little Anne who loves lollipops and rainbows. Yes my name is only made up of two repetitive letters, however is it the name of a girl with a desire for compassion and love. Maintaining the image of innocence through my name.

I am a first born with my name. Without a single person in my family with the name, I’ve come to cherish it. Traveling from Europe with my ancestors, like a bird. Flying above the boat that they drifted over on. A name which was supposed to be attached to one of my Grammy’s kids, however after having four boys, the name was never put in use. That is until my parents found out I was a girl, there was no conversation about, my relatives and my parents loved it.

A baby blue essence lines my name, wrapping it in an innocence. My parents wanted to raise a sweet, favored, beautiful girl. Signing my name on the certificate achieved that. People look at me as if I am a little girl. My innocent eyes persuade them into believing I’m too pure.

My family sees the real Anna. The struggles I have faced through my anxiety, and yelling at them when it seemed there was nothing left to do. The locked bedroom door hiding my tears and anger. My parents have seen my puffy eyes and heard the sound of my cries at every hour of the day. In the end I’m still their little girl, they still love me through all my mental breakdowns.

Where grace, beauty, and innocence meet Annaboo. The nickname of the century. My dad has called me Annaboo for as long as I can remember. The name brings sadness as I’m not ‘Daddy’s little girl’ anymore. Becoming nostalgic at the sound of it.

I want to hold on to the little girl that my name represents. I want to be able to laugh at the little things well into old age and not be judged. With only the remembrance of my name that reminds them that I am young and innocent at heart. Through everything I have been through, my name has stuck on with me. I would never want get rid of ‘Anna’ without getting rid of my childhood, my memories and my love. My name is something I want to cherish till the day I die.

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